The Bitcoin bull is bellowing again but keep an eye on the pullback

in #bitcoin7 years ago

We broke through the $12 000 level but it usually doesn't stay above that level for the first couple of days.

BTC seems to be taking the stairs up $1000 at a time.

A pattern seems to be emerging - of a surge to get over the 1000 barrier hump, then a couple of pull backs and repeats followed by a couple of days consolidation and then a launch on the next level.

I'm swapping out to USDT at above 12000 hoping for a pull back to below 12000 and the a rinse and repeat over the next day or two. Could be a couple of hundred $$$ to be made in the cycles before the consolidation starts before the surge to $1300.

That seems a little safer than being in some of the Alts right now since they are taking a beating.

Although at these dips there may be some good entry points too.

Choices, choices, choices.

But overall "Buy and hold BTC" still seems to be the safest and yet still very lucrative.


CME will be the first real attempt from financial institutions to crush bitcoin after everything else like china bans, forks, denigrating, cashening etc has miserably failed, the price could go down significantly.

I’m not so excited about these futures, who’s in charge hates bitcoin.

But they love money, on that you can rely

I think it will not pullback.. we can hope for it.

It did a little, perhaps a bigger one is yet to come after it tests close to 13 again

at 2800$ i was gonna buy it, but some "Expert" told me its too late to buy a bitcoin. :(. mybad.

That's annoying, I bought some at $900 Aud but my position was completely closed when it hit around 9 K so i'm kinda hoping for a pull back coz it just keeps going up XD
That being said, there are better coins. take funfair token for example, come Q1 2018 this coin will have some significant gains I reckon

yes it is, by the way, i never heard of funfair, what about XEM? do you have any knowledge? i was thinking to buy that.

I do hold a significant amount of XEM absolutely love it, now it is new Zealand too. Awesome payment method, slow steady growth huge supply but harvesting is good ^.^
XEM will grow slowly as it has no marketing behind it but I really could see this becoming huge in the future, must better payment method than any other crypto out there (that I know of anyway).

Where can we buy XEM in a good price?

In this world of crypto nobody is an expert period, it's too young and diverse

yes indeed. its 100% true

Yeah, i also thing sooner or later there will come a correction at about 30% but when? Its a roller coster out there. I hope you all have the stomach for that😊 keep your faith in it


for sure a rollercoaster

Its really a good for our portfolio......

I'm not complaining

yup...just came from bittrex with a wound of 2 dollars lol I trade tiny but yea, it seems like the alts take a sip of air just to drawn again...but man EMC2, MONA, even XMR had quite a grasp also GCR (GLOBAL CURRENCY RESERVE) LOL
yup safe to hodl but slow profit I need a bullish coin that shoots 4 times up :D

but chasing rockets usually doesn't work out for me, just learning to be more patient

I stay on the position that BTC is not the ideal "currency", as there are better ones. One day it is going to crash imminently...

I doubt it check out the article I linked yesterday, the most rounded perspective I have seen so far.

looks like $13,000 first before a pull back and if there is a pull back. I thought the same as you but btc is moving at rising rates that don't matter how many zeros it has.

It sure is crazy out there

it will cross $40000/- in 2018

That is the current narrative being built

Crazy the price change in 24 hours since this post