3 Simple Reasons Why Bitcoin Will Exceed $100,000

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I keep seeing people ask the question, "Will bitcoin reach $10,000?"

Well, I have decided to answer this question with a yes, and explain why I believe it will likely go wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy higher.

  • What should a GLOBAL currency be worth?

There is more than 10 trillion US dollars out there in the world. What do you think a global currency ought to be worth when it is adopted by the masses all over the world? Well, really it ought to be even more than that. But if we took 10 trillion as a figure and divided it by 21 million(the maximum amount of bitcoins there will ever be), then we end up a figure just shy of half a million dollars per bitcoin if the market value were ever to reach that of the US dollar-- which it likely will if it replaces the dollar. Considering the likelihood of this, I think $100,000 bitcoin is a modest estimation.

  • There's no competition

Yes, you might see a lot of talk of the war between bitcoin, bitcoin cash and bitcoin gold all over the media, but allow me to assure you that this is bullshit. Bitcoin is the one, and was always intended to be. These forks are either fantastical attempts at changing the course of the future, or more likely, schemes conducted by the largest BTC holders who have found an easy way to massively increase their holdings, and the disparity between their digital assets and everyone else's.

Please note that both Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Cash will be getting pumped into oblivion over the coming months, but only so that the megawhales out there can increase their own Bitcoin holdings further by having the masses give up their own in exchange for some of the doomed bitcoin clones.

  • The dollar is on its last legs anyway

Even if I am wrong about the first speculations, the US dollar is on the way down the toilet anyway. So, even if demand for bitcoin begins to dwindle, the possibility of bitcoin's value exceeding $100,000 is rather high. All one has to do is wait and watch as the dollar dies, though I wouldn't recommend selling your BTC for dollars at that point.

If you agree, resteem this post so others might stop asking silly questions. If you disagree, tell me why in the comments.


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I really agree with moatly all of what you are saying, but I am afraid to resteem as you (and me also) may be flagged by whales who are trying to promote BCH over BTC these days. As from some people articles, they are pretty aggressive... also, I am not that sure Bitcoin can scale so much, it has slow transactions so it can not compare to visa. But this is another topic in their war. What do you think?

You shouldn't be living in fear of flags. It will ruin your experience here. I really don't see someone flagging for such a reason either to be completely honest.

As for your thoughts, I haven't the answer to the scaling issue. I am not a developer and do not understand the intricacies of the technology. However, and I am pretty sure no one else on the internet is talking about this, I have been thinking for the last month or so that the smart grid they are erecting everywhere right now is actually going to be used to facilitate a blockchain network. Perhaps they will be nodes of a sort or something similar. I don't know. But, do you know if there is a way that this smart grid could be used to solve the scaling issue for bitcoin?

Let's hope you're right... The world will look like a much different place. Exciting times...