Millennials & the information war - who will win ?

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

If You Don’t Read the Newspaper You Are Uninformed, If You Do Read the Newspaper You Are Misinformed - Mark Twain

The mainstream corporate owned media (MSM) likes of CNN, FOX, BBC, NY times , WaPo…do not necessarily provide all facts nor raise awareness on issues of importance – they are there to push the SAME narrative to achieve a corporate agenda.


The fact is, there ARE some Millennials that are NOT busy eating Tipods, taking selfies or spreading mindless misinformation or intolerance – millennials get their facts from independent or alternative news sources on the internet. As such, MSM is now losing viewership and fighting for their existance. They have started a campaign to censor media sources that they consider “fake”. This censorship has been extended by Google, Youtube, Twitter, FB….(centralized social media platforms) on the internet.



Dare anyone listen to RT, PressTV, Haaretz, Intercept, NewsBud…..independant/alternative or foreign news sources or even try to use decentralized media platforms like Steemit, Dtube…or use private search engine like DuckDuckGo – all of which are not censored nor take control of your private information.

These mediums are empowering more and more Millennials to become aware of what is really going on in the world.

Millennials have grown up on the internet - exploring every nook and cranny of the uncensored global information highway. They have learned not to trust everything they are taught in school or hear on MSM. Nor do they trust or have a desire to conform to the established systems of governance.


They want a new world - censorship resistant, permissionless, transparent with no barrier to entry. A world that allows for critical thinking and self-determination. Where individual privacy & sovereignty exists regardless of borders, race & faiths. They want equal opportunity for prosperity. They do not want to be sold as products to the highest bidder - they want ownership of their wealth and skills.

Many of them are tech savvy revolutionists who think outside of the box. With unstoppable innovation they are taking on the banking and financial systems with Bitcoin and other decentralized cryptocurrency solutions.


Many also create their own content on internet - raising awareness on global and socio-economic issues which question the MSM narratives.


Global on-line communities within the alternative media have grown in numbers, with participants of all ages and expertise. Topics of natural health, climate change, finance, geopolitics, cryptocurrencies... are openly discussed and amass significant followings.


These millennials do not want war. They are not interested in partisan politics. Nor do divide and conquer techniques work on them.

The information war will not slow them down - a change is coming.