Russia launches national cryptocurrency, great news!

in #bitcoin9 years ago (edited)

Russia launches national cryptocurrency! Great news!

Russia is planning to launch its own cryptocurrency, in the process banning all other cryptocurrencies.

Others have called it bad news. I call it great news, and I'll tell you why.

This is the first time I hear of a major country (let alone a superpower) embracing cryptocurrency in such a direct way. Although it may not be their intent, this move actually represents an admission of the legitimacy of cryptocurrencies and the technology behind Bitcoin.

They want to compete against Bitcoin, just like Compuserve and AOL tried competing against the Internet. And we all know the end of that story. Ignore the banning, that's just what Russia does!

This all simply means that cryptocurrencies are about to transition into Ghandi level 3, where the establishment will start fighting Bitcoin. It may not be a battle fought with guns, but rather technology. And we all know who will win that one.



Damn, title made me think Russia had launched what I heard they were planning to launch.

Its not great news! This cryptocurrency is not anonymity, free, decentralized!
And banning all others not great too, realy...