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RE: Is Goldman Sachs Thinking About Bitcoin?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The 'banksters' aren't just thinking about Bitcoin. They've been planning to take it over for years. And, sadly, it's finally almost within their grasp.

According to research, the Federal Reserve and Mastercard appear to be in direct control of the Segwit2x movement, which aims to completely destroy Bitcoin and bring Segwit2x out of the ashes and then rename itself Bitcoin. Rough stuff.

I released two articles ([1], [2]) on it, which people desperately need to see. Please check into it, hilarski. The stuff is deep! The Federal Reserve and Mastercard aim to have direct control over Bitcoin, what "once was" an open-source project with the intent on decentralizing money.

How have we strayed so far from the philosophies of Satoshi? How has the ignorance of the market allowed the perpetrators to slowly find their place? Now the big money is ready to step in, once control is within their grasp.

'Tis a sad day for us all, if we lose control of our 'money' yet again.

Someone with your following might be able to get the info out there better than I can. After looking into it, please try. Thank you!

Keep Bitcoin Decentralized.
☮ ❤ ⓣⓡⓤⓣⓗ
