I have decided that I want to learn C# and I was just wondering if anyone knows any decent resources for doing so...
Also if there are any good projects out there that would be good for beginners, such as 'create a program that does ______ .'
Thanks Guys!!!
I would recommend using the pluralsight learning resources on https://www.pluralsight.com/.
It is a paid for site but covers a lot of technology, including c#. They offer a trial period - 10 hours of streaming for free.
However, if you sign up to the Microsoft Dev Essential site (free) then you can get a unlimited 3 month trial for pluralsight. They usually charge around $29.00 dollars a month.
A great way to learn C# is to start learning Unity3D. Not only do you learn C# but you learn how to make cool apps and games along the way (most apps and games these days are made with it). It is hugely popular and there are tons of tutorals even if you are a total noob. Unity 3d is free. Test it out! https://unity3d.com/
Thanks @rarepepemaster!