in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Beginner Bitcoin Mining Guide (Part 3)


Hello, fellow Steemians! My followers have seen my journey with Genesis Mining (cloud). It's gone as expected and has a decent payout for the investment. The return on investment has been slow though (10 months- to a year).


BUT is probably better on the SMALL Scale.
However, I'M BORED. I want my hands on the MINING. So, here's what I'm doing now.... I want to start mining cryptocurrencies with my own equipment. In my last newsletter, I mentioned China's news effect on the currency market. I also mentioned Bitmain's release of the Antminer D3 ($1500) the most profitable miner today. They sold out in ten minutes to people who were hoarding them (buying 10-50 at a time). A lot of those people are now selling them on eBay for $7000-$10,000. It sucks because people like me can't get one at a fair price.

ANTMINER D3. $2,000, $5,000?!
Anyway, I found a way to get one from another cloud mining operation that hasn't started their farm yet. I may let them run it for me, but I really want it in my possession for the experience. But it won't show up until December or January!! I CANT WAIT.

I wanted to get my first experience mining with my own equipment - without spending much if any.
So, I went to and downloaded their Nvidia software onto my windows computer (Intel i3 processor) and started mining with nicehash. Easy to setup. It's called CPU mining. It is NOT profitable- but I already had the equipment (a desktop) AND it cost me NOTHING. It mines about 2 cents per day (less than the cost of its electricity). If you leave your computer running - big deal. If not, you're wasting electricity. I just wanted to do it for the experience. Also, using your CPU hogs any performance while mining. So, it is a bad idea for long term.

After research, I found that using a GPU (your computer's graphics card) is better. But only gaming computers have good enough make that worthwhile. We are talking $500+ just for the cards (Nvidia GTX or AMD RX). Most mining "rigs" are made up of multiple GPU's. This is a thousands investment- while you can buy used Baikal or Bitmain self-contained, pre-built, dedicated mining boxes for less.

Having done that, I decided to get on eBay and move to the next level. After visiting Cryptocompare and Nicehash sites, I found that the only profitable machines from Bitmain were the Antminer S7 and higher; while Baikal Mini & Cubes and higher were as well. The USB miners are not; and the S3 and S5 are not. Be CAREFUL on eBay and Craigslist- people are being deceitful selling older miners that will only make you burn more electricity with ZERO returns. ALSO, there are a bunch of frauds on eBay and hosting websites pre-selling Antminer models when they don't even have them in hand. One such website is "Boston Hardware Inc" ( They stole the name of a small mom and pop hardware store, have a parking garage address as their main address - AND their phone number is a disconnected mobile number. Talking to their ZenDesk support chat, I was convinced of their ability to sell me a D3 (before I checked out their address and phone). I tried to buy one with a credit card online. The website rejected the card and immediately offered to take BTC payment. That's when I paused and started digging. I found the truth and ceased communication with them.


WHEW. So, I found a Baikal Mini 150 MH/s X11 miner (40 watts) on eBay. The seller had 100% positive ratings. So, I bought it for $500. I had to acquire a power supply ($25). I'll have $550 into it. Should be delivered tomorrow 9/22/17. Research projects about $30-$50 per month (according to NiceHash). I think that is Grossly over estimated - but I'm going to find out. It's dependent on cryptocurrencies prices and difficulty. My electricity is only $0.085 per kWh. That's low. The Baikal CUBE puts out 300 MH/s X11 algorithm and uses 80 watts. They go for around $800-$1000 on eBay. The Mini should get a return in one year. At least it covers $30 over and above the electricity it eats per month. BUT I didn't buy it to make money. It's a real miner (vs CPU) and at least CAN be profitable at some point. So, if it pays for itself - I'll be happy to use it as a leaning experience before I get my hands on the Bitmain Antminer D3.

Today, the D3 pays for itself in less than 2 months - ONLY IF YOU DONT PAY $7000-$10000. One big thing to remember: if cryptocurrencies keep going down, you'll be unprofitable. But I don't see that happening. China is going to pull out of their negative campaign. Another thing is the "difficulty" goes up the longer a coin is mined. The more coins there are, the harder it is to find solutions in the block chain.


After I set up the Baikal Mini, I'll run it a few days and update you.

If you made it this far...


I appreciate your listening and learning on this journey with me. Together- may we be profitable and gain knowledge. STEEM-ON :-)


What do you think of this? Is it legit? Why are their prices so low? Thanks.

It’s not a legitimate Bitmain sales website. You can tell by the price, the poor spelling - and Bitmain specifically told me not to buy from any of these other sites because they have no “authorized resellers”. I just bought a D3 and an S9 directly from Bitmain for about $1500 each. Don’t get scammed like I did from