Fuck you pussy ass run away. You're not my fellow American any longer you've giving up that right so enjoy your third world life and don't whine when you're new tiny little nation is over run buy little brown militants hell bent on seeing you eliminated. Expat. Emphasis on the EX. Anarchism from Central America, real fucking bold pussy. Liberty or death. You know who said it but do you know why? Real patriots don't run away, they stay and fight for their rights. Don't come back, you're no longer American whatever your visa says. Israel has been trying to eliminate Roman man for over 3000 years, apperantly they got their way with you. We threw hemp bails into Boston harbor not tea. Established history is utter bullshit. We never stopped paying fealty to the crown illuminatus bitches. Yeah America is a hot mess but you're no longer part of a solution, you've run away so fuck off @hilarski 🖕🏻haha! Now that's funny. You've run from combat and left your fellow soldiers behind in battle traitor
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You are just fighting for the new version of the old Crown. Get off my page RedCoat!
Hmmm. Interesting thought. Never been called that before. Can you take some time to explain why you think I'm pissing in the wind fighting a repete battle for crown? I'm not a fan of that illuminatus bitch but I'm curious. Just because I think something is one way or another doesn't mean I'm right. I try and question everything including myself. That's not always easy.