Bitcoin positioned itself as the best p2p payment platform utilizing blockchain technology which is the progress from the cryptography.
But is it?
Blockchain can be a powerful tool if positioned right to revolutionize the legacy financial system including insurance industry. But as a currency, bitcoin(blockchain) has internal problem such as mining and slow transaction speed. Also, the technology behind it requires near expert level of understanding of cryptography. It is down right stupid that general public need to take 12 part lecture from the Princeton University to come to a grasp of the structure.
The more serious question bitcoin and blockchain lovers should be asking is "Is there a better way to use digital currency which is secure, fast, and easy to use than bitcoin?"
Yes, there is a better way. Always!
LondonCoin is one of the many solutions which is surely better than bicoin.
You are right about Bitcoin's flaws. It will be superseded, but the question is, by what? It may well be a case of last man standing.