bitcoin was never hacked...just goes to show you don't know what youre talking about..
You gold and silver is owned and control by the elite...they can buy up all the up all the companies...but they will never get MY bitcoin so they have chance of controlling it...
It is shocking theres people like you who so CONFIDENTLY spread misinformation...just goes to show that people believe the media blindly like sheep
Bitcoin may just as easily be controlled. Financial rewards create an inequality. By paying someone to run the network, power is given away. Bitcoin already has this problem, where a few mining pools control more than half of the total hashrate. No coin is immune as long as it offers some kind of monetary rewards for the system’s "maintainers”.
Inequality will always lead to centralisation
A seemingly decentralised coin becomes just another fork of the current financial order where the wealthy few can manipulate the system as they see fit.
that cant happen with bitcoin anymore.....