
happy to hear that! so does that mean all holders bitshares of bitcoin at the time of the snapshot get the equivalent of Free the Fast Bitcoins? i had bitcoin at the time but transferred it yesterday (: also is there an estimate time frame for dev?
thank you & thank you

All bitcoin holders on Aug 1 get BTCX just like BTH... if we get BitShares community support to free them.

i'm pretty new in the blockchain world and have much to learn but i'm already a big fan of dan larimer, have enormous respect for the dude but had no idea he had such a cool dad (if i got this right, did i??)
i'm working on a portrait of dan and now i'm thinking i should do you too haha. its just that there aren't a lot of clear pictures of you guys going around (:
thank you @stan, thought that's what it meant. i hope you get that support and given your credentials it's unlikely you won't (: anyways, check it out if you like