Here's a link:
A wide ranging set of topics about the family of blockchains created by Dan Larimer and where they are going this year.
Stan and Matt talk about the privacy of the cryptocurrencies and why this is central to the longevity of digital currencies. The decentralization is a key topic, as well as how it gets tracked by the government. Matt and Stan discuss tax implications and how they will be calculated. The fees and other miscellaneous items are the last issues to be hammered out to move these currencies to the next level.
My some photo work for you and your friend.I think you like it

It is in pertinent to do justice to that aspect of cryptocurrency. This will increase the chances of a wider acceptability as a means of exchange in daily transaction. These measures will also help to keep fraudulent activities in check
Thanks for this vital information. Crypto is truly the future.
Muy importante tu post , me gusto ya que esta resaltando el futuro de las cryptocurrencies ,como bien lo dijistes la descentralizacion es un tema clave , ya que de alli se vera si surge mas en el mercado o se queda estancado en un nivel , creo que en el futuro se manejara todo por medio de monedas virtuales , creo que sera mas facil para la poblacion,saludos.
yes @stan the future is cryptocurrencies, it has really helped in so many ways especially in paying different sort of fees like in the travel sector and other things. The buba show will really expantiate the future of cryptocurrencies. i won't dare to miss the show formy mother's food.
Interesting conversation. Well worth the time.
It's amazing how fast things can change. When I looked at the EOS library I was in shock and awe. It is far superior to any other crypto project out there. There is so much excitement and enthusiasm that it is almost a guaranteed success. I just want to know how to get involved. Really, it is almost like CryptoWoodstock or dare I say the first CryptoNewYear. I know I should have committed sooner, but had some personal things to attend to. Also, I knew EOS was set for the second half of this year.