Ivan On Tech - Bitcoin and Everything Crashing! Programmer explains.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Ivan seems like a pretty down to earth guy. In this video he talks about Bitcoin volatility and the current market.

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Bitcoin had lost nearly 25% of its value over the last 24 hours. And the price of most major "altcoins" fell even further, with losses ranging from 19 to 35%.

We remember that Bitcoin could not hold long the threshold of $ 20,000 - a threshold it could have exceeded last Sunday, the space of a few hours.
Futures contracts offered by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which allow institutional investors to speculate on Bitcoin, also recorded a sharp decline. They traded between $ 13,520 and $ 13,570, while their courses had exceeded $ 20,000 when they arrived on the night of Sunday to Monday.

The price itself might be the least interesting of things of cryptocurreny... Very correct. However, while this is a correct observation, I am afraid it only appeals to those who are tech suvvys and understand the wider potential and implications of the block chain technology, certainly more than just immediate monetary gain

I agree, most people don't even know what mining is, let alone, the difference between various coins / tokens / crypto networks. The tech is the most interesting part of the crypto space, imho, dyor ;)

Which is why i have no problem with such bitcoin ups and downs, it gives us the opportunity to discuss bitcoin and blockchain technology in a much more informed light, and allows enthusiasts to learn

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Nice video,thanks for sharing