The announcement of this Fork was made back in July right before the August 1st Bitcoin cash Fork happened which was under the radar due to the fact everyone was waiting for the August 1st Fork of Bitcoin cash so the news of it was swept under the rug,the announcement and the project website was thought to be a troll attempt to create confusion and dilute the power of Bitcoin cash Fork. However a lot of Bitcoin proponents do not know about another for call Bitcoin gold or BTG that was scheduled to take place on October 25th. Bitcoin gold plants to Fork Bitcoin and change the consensus mechanism which produces another token called Bitcoin gold. According to the development team of Bitcoin gold it will use the Equihash algorithm also being used Buy Zcash rather than using Bitcoins original SHA 256. Mining Bitcoin gold you will be able to except GPU mining, minors can choose the size of the blocks they want to mine with a default of 1MB. For too long Bitcoin has been held back by centralized mining industry. GPU mining brings Bitcoin into the Modern Age with an exciting technological road map to enable massive unchain scaling well into the future with decentralisation.
Showing showing mining using the GPU versus evil Asic manufacturers Hardware to mine. This statement came from Bitcoin Gold Developers H4x3: Yes, we are implementing a proof-of-work change to Equihash – a GPU-minable algorithm – because we believe in Satoshi’s “one CPU one vote” vision. The current situation, where one erratic company in a totalitarian jurisdiction that is very hostile to Bitcoin has near monopoly domination over the manufacturing and distribution of the mining hardware that is required for the security of the global network, is unacceptable to anyone who understands the importance of decentralization to Bitcoin.
Bitcoin gold protocol has been available on Github for View here is the link . Bitcoin gold programmers reveals mining probability is going to be determined by the price of mining difficulty but the price is hard to predict. Bitcoin gold team revealing differences between each Bitcoin
Bitcoin Gold can be thought of simply as a replication of the Bitcoin protocol and coin distribution that utilizes on a different type of computer hardware for security. This replication of Bitcoin on different hardware can serve as an insurance policy or backup plan in case the original SHA256 mining network is crippled or destroyed. The same “backup plan” rationale has been used as one of Litecoin’s value propositions, however Bitcoin Gold serves this function better than Litecoin because it has the exact same coin distribution and money supply as Bitcoin; Litecoin ownership is much more narrowly distributed, making it unsuitable for use as a universal store of value and reserve currency.
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One of the drawbacks of decentralization and open source codes. Anyone can mess with it.
Yeah you make a very good point