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RE: These new Crypto Millionaire filters will help you find the best ranked value coins

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

I've created a public version of the spreadsheet in the article that people can view and will be up to date with @cryptoeagle please let me know if I need to change any of the formulas. The CoinMarketCapData sheet is all the info from The Crypto Millionaire Plan sheet references that data and shows the percentages to invest in each currency and shows the millionth of supply data. The spreadsheet requires the CryptoFinance add on. It is enabled on the sheet, I'm unsure if it carries over to others viewing the spreadsheet.


Pretty cool, gonna check this tomorrow against my own version which I coudn't make public because I was importing from the api with a custom script. If it's ok with you I can link to this version in my articles for people who prefer the spreadsheet. The numbers seem correct to me but Im in my phone here, gotta check them side by side.

I don't mind at all, I think you have a great concept here and I'm glad to help. I changed the Millionth of Coins calculation to go against the Total Supply. It looks like the CryptoFinance add on to the spreadsheet carries over to everyone who views as it looked fine in an incognito window. It looks to be refreshing on open like it should as well.

I made an update to the spreadsheet this morning to tweak the CoinMarketCap function to auto refresh the data regularly, so you don't have to close and re-open the sheet to get current data. Since Steemit doesn't have direct messaging, you can leave me comments on the sheet to request changes or make suggestions. I'm also in most of the Steemit related Discord channels under the same handle, @stormrider.