
The scary thing with these for example, I bought XY contract, it gave back example 8 units every day. It slowly dropped to 7 within 2 weeks, I reinvested for +10%, and the hashrate kept dropping, now paying 3.5 units. Even the BTC price went up, the payout looks less and less. So I wonder if it will reach break even or just going down, down, down.

The difficulty mostly increases every two weeks, so profits will drop as well. Fortunately it looks like in the next couple of days the difficulty will actually be going down quite a bit which will help with profitability. But at this point I am more sure of reach break even with Bitconnect, and it looks less and less likely with Genesis, but still too early to tell. Maybe in a month or two I will have a better idea on Genesis. By then Bitconnect should be at least break even. We shall see!

The same here. I started 2 months ago, so by Christmas I will know something :)