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RE: Bitconnect Bitcoin Segwit Update -- [News]

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

@luja , first you say "somehow" then next say "I guess I know." Those do not sound like very confident statements.

Then you state "they are not trading with a bot or anything else" in a very confident manner when just a sentence before you sound so unsure.

Then your logic about investing $100 in Bitconnect is very confusing and wrong. So let's do the numbers correctly.
If you invest $100 in Bitconnect, you must first do so with $100 worth of Bitcoin since they don't take cash of any kind. Once you place your $100 worth of BTC with Bitconnect, it stays as Bitcoin until You decide to do something. You can leave as Bitcoin, or you can exchange it for BitconnectCoin.

If you exchange the BTC then you have BCC coin, you can hold it there, or you can download a BCC wallet, install on your computer and then hold your own BCC coins. You can also loan your BitconnectCoin back to Bitconnect to receive a daily interest/dividend payment on your $100 's worth of BCC coin. Here is where the information goes dark as for exactly what is happening behind the scenes for Bitconnect to be able to payout these rates. Bitconnect claims they use several trading algos/bots against Bitcoin, Bitconnect and other real world currencies or it could all just be a lie. Who knows.
If you do invest, the daily interest/dividends paid daily come back in US Dollar denominations, but you can't withdraw the Dollars, you must convert them back to BCC coin and/or then to Bitcoin. I do almost daily. I say almost because if I see the market going down, I keep my daily returns in cash. If I think the price of Bitcoin has bottomed, I then take my interest/dividends and convert them to BCC and then Bitcoin. If I think BTC is still going down I stay in cash until it starts back up.
I initially started with 1 whole Bitcoin, and I have now in 1 1/2 months with interest and referrals, receieved 0.5 Bitcoin or 50% of my initial investment. It would be in the 35% range without referrals.

So back your original $100 Bitconnect investment. Yes, lets just says that after 4 months of daily dividend payments you get your $100 back IN CASH remember, if you leave it in cash, and BTC price Doubles after those 4 months, then YES you missed out on Bitcoins Price gain BUT you still have another $100 invested with Bitconnect, of which you will still receive daily dividends, so you aren't doing bad until BTC more than doubles from when you start, and if you convert your daily payouts back to BTC then you don't miss out much. Anyway hope this helps alittle because there is much more I have left out.

full steem ahead!