Steve Fossett was an American businessman and adventurer. Fossett was very successful in the financial securities sector, eventually creating his own firm around 1980. After many successful years in business, he began to seek adventure as he had when he was younger. In the 1990's his wealth allowed him to pursue outdoor adventure and aviation. This man flew airplanes and air balloons. He set many aviation records such as the first solo man to pilot an air balloon around the world in 2002 (after six attempts). By the year 2007, he had set over 120 records on airplanes, balloons, sail boats and other powered and non-powered crafts.
Late in 2005, Amazon launched a service called Mechanical Turk. The Mechanical Turk service was created by Venky Harinarayan, a very successful computer scientist and businessman. This new internet business concept allowed for businesses to pay for human intelligence by distributing tasks to be performed via the Internet, otherwise known as crowdsourcing. This idea of distributing work that could not be done by computers to users on the Internet became very successful and within about a year acquired over 100,000 registered workers in over 100 countries.
Steve Fossett and Amazon's Mechanical Turk tragically came together sometime early September 2007. Early on September 3rd, 2007 Steve Fossett set off on a light aircraft single engine airplane from an airfield near Smith Valley, Nevada. Several hours later, when Fossett failed to return from his flight, several unsuccessful search parties were sent out to search for him. The search party continued and eventually even Richard Branson of Virgin Group, a friend of Fossett, became part of the effort to find Steve Fossett. Branson's involvement led to Google lending support with satellite imagery.
On September 8th, Amazon's Mechanical Turk released high resolution digital satellite imagery of the potential crash area. The idea was to crowdsource the images in order to help lead search parties to potential crash sites. By September 11, 2007 over 50,000 users had reviewed over 300,000 images of the potential crash area. Unfortunately Steve Fossett was never found alive. A few scattered remains were eventually found near the crash area discovered high in the Eastern Sierra Nevada range in California on September 29, 2008.
Although Mechanical Turk was not successful at finding Steve Fossett, the idea of crowdsourcing or distributing work via the Internet proved effective. This concept of using the Internet as a collective resource left a lasting impression on me. Several years later, when I learned of Bitcoin and its distributed ledger and blockchain mining it quickly reminded me of Mechanical Turk and the search for Steve Fossett by distributing vast amounts of images to be perused by many viewers across the Internet. The major difference here of course is that with Bitcoin, it is computers that are doing the work via the Internet, which of course is even better because that leaves humans with more leisure time, hopefully.
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excellent article. steve fosset was a rare blend of business acumen and true adventurer. I remember his balloon adventures, thinking he was an absolute nutter for trying to circumnavigate the globe but he was up there out there and totally ahead of his time. crowdsourcing was only available with the mass adoption of the internet and crypto will have taken root as a central part of the future because of projects like steemit, with it's pioneering userbase of cryptonauts, developers and creative thinkers. we're all a bit steve fossett. we just don't necessarily have his resourcing ability !
the more the freedom is there the better will be the productive time and more executions of plans will be there
Truely said
Yes cryptocurrencies is growing up to world. For digitilizing its a important role of our world.
I don't want to jinx anything for us with too many good words about all the benefits of the blockchain. Let's just believe, wait and see :d
Internet is full of opportunity how one will take it to their advantage its upto the individuals and this was a perfect example
crowd sourcing will always find a way in one way or the another and this is a massive step in that to change lifes
Mechanical Turk set a path i too had some difficulty in using this but they certainly have left something to make it big
idea was born and this is not going to die for ever we have a rapid world of growth and expansion and this idea will be huge
i don't think my comment will be right but the best thing that has ever happened in world with tech.. is the blockchain which is revolutionary and the internet which connected us and crowd sourcing will be the next which is there an attempt to bring the best of all the worlds
Yes, blockchain is growing with the speed of a rocket.
There is no stopping now, the world is changing. It's exactly how you have said. A collective resource.
crowdsource is really big idea. I have not heard these names before but I know now. thanks for your useful post.
crypto has given so many common people a hope to achieve something in life which traditional things don't help to do with all the restrictions and outrage things
the idea is effective as you said so the room of opportunities is massively massive people just need the path and it provided that.
Thanks for sharing this post Nice it was to read the ideas and i came to know about the mechanical turk and its behind the idea
The writings are very literary,
You are a writer,
I took his inspiration
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Thank You!
this post makes me motivated, interesting and very informative.
That smile is very cute for me.. Hehe
artikel bagus Fosil steve adalah perpaduan antara ketajaman bisnis dan petualang sejati. Aku ingat petualangan balonnya, mengira dia benar-benar sinting karena mencoba mengelilingi dunia tapi dia berada di sana dan benar-benar berada di depan masanya. crowdsourcing hanya tersedia dengan adopsi massal internet dan kripto akan menjadi akar sebagai bagian penting masa depan karena proyek seperti steemit, dengan perintis userbase cryptonaut, pengembang dan pemikir kreatif. kita semua sedikit steve fossett. kita tidak perlu memiliki kemampuan resourcing nya!
I completely agree with you, the Internet and cryptography have given mankind an excellent opportunity to succeed in life and many of us found this opportunity to be the best kind of work! Thank you @streetstyle
Thanks @serkagan
If I may give my 2 cents, I looked over your profile, and see that the posts you make are mostly images from the internet. I see you also give credit that they are not your images, which is good. But I think if you did more original posts, then you would have better payouts from the community. If you ever do one of those type of post, where it is orignal content, then let me know so I can support.
Take care and thanks for the support.
Full Steem Ahead!
Thank you, my friend, I will definitely take your advice and support!
A lot of useful writing. It's a good idea to know everything about the history. And we should learn from every history. thanks for sharing.
keep it up
i have heared about steeve and he hold some records with aviation and others, the new about him is the think tank of btc and its begining procedure is similarity with him, thanks for your informative post.
Now the crypto currency is growing up to the world......your article is excellent.....crowdsourcing idea is a great idea but truly it’s new to me.... now I knew it from your informative post.... thanks for sharing....
valuable information is the story of a American businessman Steve Fossett,
It might be more interesting if you provide a link to Steve Fossett's profile, so that the reader gets more complete your information.
thanks @streetstyle
Hello @milend and thanks for supporting. I did include links in the article.
thanks for profile steve :)I'm sorry @streetstyle, I didn't see it last.
Good post
Nice post friend and i agree with your thoughts , Internet and cryptos gave us freedom and now we can share our thoughts without fear and use our money with freedom.
Amazing participant Glorious thank you for sharing
nice share, crypto never die
This post has resteem
really its very informative & motivational post....good job buddy
Nice article thank for sharing very good post
here i spot a true adventurer by every means..
i am loving it @streetstyle
Now the crypto currency is growing up to the world......your article is excellent.....crowdsourcing idea is a great idea but truly it’s new to me.... now I knew it from your informative post.... thanks for sharing....
people have got now more resources available without thinking for the govt. to interfere in between them this could lead the way forward
Wonderful writing
God bless you.
Hello @streetstyle. The content you posted is very educative. I believe many persons don't really understand the concept of crowdsourcing. The thing that really interest me is the link between crowdsourcing to bitcoin. Nice write up
Semakin banyak kebebasan, semakin baiklah saatnya produktif dan lebih banyak eksekusi rencana akan ada
Saya tidak ingin bercanda dengan kami dengan terlalu banyak kata bagus tentang semua manfaat dari blockchain ini. Mari kita percaya, tunggu dan lihat
Ya, kripto darurat berkembang ke dunia. Untuk menggandakan peran penting dunia kita.
crowdsource adalah ide yang sangat besar. Saya belum pernah mendengar nama-nama ini sebelumnya tapi saya tahu sekarang. terima kasih atas postingan anda.