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RE: SALT/BTC: Impulse Ready....which direction? Find out in this blog!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Salt I don't want to go too much into detail as their whitepaper does that for you,

Basically they're a lending service instead of credit score they use your Crypto as collateral for loans, credit score doesn't matter.
Some noteable people on their team - Erik Voorhees, Shawn Owen, etc.

Currently writing this salt is $2.52

On their site you can deposit salt and use to pay off a portion of your interest,
the thing is the site values it at $25 though.

So one the platform is launched, which they already have millions on millions of dollars wanting to be lent out (Source : Twitter)
The market pressure to increase closer to $25 will be enormous.
Also, They announced Crypto Credit cards coming soon early 2018
Sounds pretty ambitious but with a team like theres and the progress they've been making, It will definitly happen.

Platform is launching this year

I predict salt to be at least 10$ by the end of the year.
I believe salt will explode similar to binance, (BNB did 0.1 cents to 2.80)
Which will only put the market cap 450M, current market cap ~115-120M
Surprised this one flew under the radar this long.


You dont even have the current price right.