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RE: What's next for NXT? Its Bull Run ISN'T DONE YET!!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Great post as always!

Can you have a look at MCO maybe? I'm starting to wonder whether I should HODL or sell for other opportunities.

Thank you!


I was in MCO for about two weeks (the 12th to the 23rd). Sold for a 8.5% profit, at around the current levels (0.001104 to 0.001117).

Wanted higher gains, but got out so I could get into something else.

The other ones trading @haejin's strategies have been 44.3% (LTC), 51.5% (XRP), 22.8% (BTS), 46.9% (ADA), 7.2% (LTC), 8.5% (MCO, above), -4.9% (ADA, impatient; it'd be a double if I held to today, another week; oh well!), and 11% (ZRX). Note that I'm not in fiat; the goal of these trades was to increase my BTC.

The one loss I took was also so I could get into something else, a form of FOMO I suppose.

I'm now experiencing another form of FOMO -- I'm having difficulty reading the books because I want to stay in the action! :) I think that's a good problem to have, actually.

Thanks @haejin for turning my December around! It was a sinking ship, and now it's not. That means a lot to me, and I'm still thinking about setting up a charity to give back 10% of my profits.

"If you're not taking flack, you're not over the target."

Everything is so cheap right now , good time to buy before new year kick in . BTS is a gem , i sold it at 4400 , i hope it dip so i can buy back .

look at iconomi and its BLX fund i remember in june it was just $.30 today its 4.70 (before crash almost $6). i will put some in as soon XVG moons

I hodl some MCO, it's starting a big uptrend imo, I think it can easily reach 250000 in the next months (maybe just in a few weeks) and even way much higher in the long term. Just my opinion as an amateur trader :-)