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RE: Whats Traded on Top Volume Exchanges Now?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

It is just incredible what binance has achieved in this short time. People who referred users very early made a lot of money.
I referred only two members and from one member I earned. 015 BTC.


Waw That is nice @suf1an. I look for another opportunity like Binance again and i think its not too late to invest in binance.

NEW Exchange! Opens in a few days! The next Binance!

Yes, it is not too late. Still you can get 20 per cent so it is not that bad.
The thing is if you have missed this opportunity, there will be more. It is just a game of time and patience.

Notice that Tether is in 4 of the top 10 pairs. That should be a sign of the potential scope of a Tether collapse.

Yes Tether may become a problem...


Cardano is a good coin and can bring good profit!! Guide how to buy Cardano

Ahaha Cardano token. Not touch it with a ten foot pole!

This way of investing only creates a bubble...

Yeah there early bonuses were good, its not easy to know which is next

Hi @kingscrown its very good and awesome iformation about cryptorurrency and bitcoin

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I have to agree with you!!! Binance is awesome and I wish I would have referred more peeps... however I did get .03 bitcoin...