Hey Jeff,
I loved your talk. I was around at the start of the internet as well. In the mid 1980's I made a small investment in a start up company that was pitching the idea of having computers all around the world connected and sharing information, the name of the idea ended up being "the internet".
The company was America Online. My $500 investment got me 12,500 shares.
Now I would like to say that investment made me wealthy but such is not the case. The original AOL founders bankrupted the company and moved it to Virginia and relaunched it, the result was my stock was worthless and AOL went on to be a huge success.
I believe that fiat currency is on the verge of demise, and rightfully so, as a result of that belief I find myself here on Steemit trying to learn all I can on crypto currency. Keep up the good work your doing promoting block chain and crypto currencies and I'll continue to learn.
Until next time,
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I too worked in the computer field back in the 80's. In fact I worked for the company who's visionary founder Ken Olson made the statement "no one will ever want a computer in their home". Needless to say that belief led to the destruction of the company. I also saw many of my co-workers financially wiped out at the market crash of 1987.
I have been working hard to learn about cryptos & the blockchain. I have far more faith in this technology than in the PPT controlled stock market. Too bad I lost my PM's in that boating accident :-(
1987, then 2007, something critical is happening soon.
I wondered why AOL disappeared. or maybe they're still there.
The original AOL bankrupted around 1989 or 90, the relaunched version ended up being a huge success and got bought up by Time Warner if memory serves me correct. You will sometimes come across people who still have and use an AOL.com email address/
I asked cause I saw a few AOL.com email addresses