Does EOS go to the "dark side"?

in #bitcoin6 years ago

At the EOS event held in Washington on June 1 (which, btw, was staged in a manner strikingly similar to this of Apple) Dan Larner announced the Voice social platform to about 300 attendees. Now the question on everyone's mind: What's the difference with Seemit?

Voice's screenshots, which Dan showed on a stage, are almost indistinguishable from those of Steemit app. Because we can only "subscribe" to Voice beta on but can't access it, everything, which is known about Voice's architecture and functionality at the moment is based on statements of EOS execs or on hearsays.

From that it sounds like the main Voice differentiators compare to Steemit are an use of WebAssembly and WebAuthn (one of Yubico reps spoke on the event and free YubiKeys was given to all participants). Another Voice thing is that Voice tokens, unlike STEEM, won't be tradable or convertible.

EOS inducing strict KYC can't, of course, surprise us (see previous post). Also Voice tokens' "non-exchangeability" renders them an "utility" status and will strengthen EOS legal stance if faced by SEC. All in all, Voice seems to be a "legalized" version of Steemit more suited for mass adaption.

However, here's what Dan posted in EOS group yesterday. Seems like he understands that a lot of people will be pissed off by Voice going 100% to the "dark side": "Brendan and I are considering solutions for anonymity that still preserve the integrity and accountability of voice. We’ve got some good ideas that we will share if we decide it doesn’t undermine the value proposition of voice. We really do understand both sides."

So there's still some hope left for those of us who still believe in the 1st amendment :)