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RE: Bitcoin Cash has the roadmap that lead to Bitcoin's original success, and Bitcoin Cash has the roadmap that will lead to Bitcoin's future success.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

And unlike those other forks, only BCash insists that its Bitcoin.

That should stick out to you, if you are into being analytical about it. Its a technique used by con-men and scammers when they need to ride on the reputation of something instead of its own merits.

None of the other forks, such as Bitcoin Gold are insisting THEY are the "real Bitcoin".

Only BCash.

This is because Roger Ver is using this as a social engineering stunt - and without it, he knows his fork wouldn't have any exposure or support.


What the fuck is BCash ?

We're talking about



Bitcoin classic is gonna be left behind.

Using other ways to refer to something in a contracted manner is a common use of language. Its quite telling that you can't make that intuitive logical leap.

Did you really not understand?

Here, I can help. If you told me your real name was Maddidriscoll Worthington the Third, I'd probably shorten that to "Maddy" so it made it easier to say and type.

To your second point - BCash transactions have been in a narrow range for quite some time --

See that? The blue wiggling line is consistently under the orange one. That is what we call a flat or range-bound trend. This indicates there is no adoption, because if there were it would eclipse the orange line -- be higher than it is -- on a regular basis.

Please let me know if I can help clarify any further cognitive stumbling blocks, I'd be happy to help.

So you didn't see what I did there .... That just went waaaay over your head didn't it ....

It is called Bcash because it is a failed update (Bitcoin works with a consensus mechanism do you understand?) of the Bitcoin protocol. Since it is failed (only 5% consensus) it can't carry the BITCOIN name. BTC is Bitcoin and BCH is Bcash

Indeed. Bitcoin is the chain originating from the genesis block with the highest accumulated proof of work. The Bitcoin Cash fork failed to gain majority, thus it is not Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is the chain originating from the genesis block with the highest accumulated proof of work. The Bitcoin Cash fork failed to gain majority, thus it is not Bitcoin.

In practice this is actually a fairly shortsighted way of looking at it, because accumulated proof of work only becomes the deciding factor once other necessary attributes have been confirmed.

(This btw is the only good reason underlying why so many have been sucked into the populist notion that users voting with so called "full nodes" - that don't fulfill the criteria for being called nodes as laid out in the design paper - can be an acceptable governance mechanism, when it is in fact much too easily manipulated.)