I have to laugh at the arrogance of many people. They think they know what is going on yet really have no clue. What makes it worse is they post comments to show how little they really do know.
Of course, the fact that most people are headline scanners and believe they understand something simply because they saw it on MSNBC or FoxNews makes this even more ridiculous. Yet that is what people do.
This is never more evident than in the FUD we see with cryptocurrencies. The mainstream media puts out tidbits to get the masses against it and the prices crash. Then we get the "told you so" antics going.
The only issue with this is that they really have no idea what they are talking about. Cryptocurrency has nothing to do with money even though that is one of its uses. Nor does it have anything to do with blockchain although that is what it is built upon.
What cryptocurrency does is moves the power from the hands of a few to the hands of the many. The power of cryptocurrency is decentralization. This is the key point that many miss.
Nevertheless, it is funny to see how many people are indoctrinated into the thinking I just mentioned.
Here are some comments I took off an article on Marketwatch.com.
i'm gonna ico shitcoin.....target is 250K per shitcoin...lol
The following media report from Africa, is written by the former head of the MIT Digital Currency Initiative.
Bitcoin’s rise in African markets is driven by an old Russian ponzi scheme
Besides that ponzi scheme driving Bitcoin in multiple nations on the continent of Africa - that ponzi scheme also has many participants from Indonesia, Thailand, India, etc., etc..
Tyler Winkelvoss, I dare you to prove me wrong. My fixed opinion is that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are just lines and lines of computer code. The fact that those lines of computer code were "mined" via complex mathematical algorithms does not make them special. The "mining" will never turn lead into gold. How about you stop wasting electricity?
I use two forms of cryptocurrency. One is called a "debit card" that is used directly out of my bank accounts, and one is called a "Mastercard"... similar, but it uses a leveraging system for free credit. Both are secure and encrypted and insured by FDIC.
bitcoin soon headed for $4.56
People like Tom Lee and Tyler Winkelvoss prove we should have never legalized recreational drugs. Happy hallucinations Boys
Lunacy has no bounds. Fake money is laughable.
The BLIND leading the BLIND . . . When the TRUST runs out so will the CRYPTOS !
Of course, we know the media is in on this ruse helping these clueless people along. I love how one trusts the FDIC and other talks about the trust in Bitcoin running out...how about the USD mate?
Take this article...here is the headline...
"Good news for people who haven’t got a clue about cryptocurrency"
Now notice the link to the article and how it is phrased.
Notice anything different? I guess we could ask what they really think yet that would be pointless...we already found out.
This is what these people think of Bitcoin investors (and by default all crypto investors). For this reason, we each need to do all we can to make sure we push this industry ahead each day. There are enough naysayers and attackers out there, we do not need to do it to each other. Anyone who is on the STEEM blockchain is involved in crypto. It is how we are paid and the currency we use on here.
Bitcoin has been ruled dead a few hundred times already yet each time it bounces back. I am sure the masses have no idea why and the fact that there is actual development on that blockchain; people who are building businesses. This little fact is overlooked.
I am sure we will see the same applied to Ethereum and Litecoin as some point. The mainstream wants nothing more than these things to go away. It isnt happening. Yet people behave like it is business as usual.
People do not realize it but they will all be using tokens in 5 years. There is too much of our daily lives that will end up on blockchain. All forms of media are going to be tokenized in the next half decade if for no other reason than it is a way to diminish the pirating of their content. From there, we will most likely see it extend out into most areas of life.
What this means is that most people we introduced Steemit or STEEM to will be back. They will have no choice. When they see what is going on, they will realize they had the proverbial gift horse right in front of them.
At that time, it will be our turn to smile and say to ourselves "told you so".
To receive the free basic income tokens you are entitled to and help end world wide poverty, please click the following:
We either think alike or get our information from the same sources. I no longer get any first hand info from the MSM, I just can't take it. I may have to take a look at manna coin... I'm just learning.
The MSM will drive you nuts...especially if you have a little bit of knowledge about a particular subject. Then their misleading agenda become very evident.
We would be glad to have you. It is a token created to be a basic income for people. It is distributed each Thursday. So far in two weeks, there were over 20K people signed up and verified with another 60K who signed up but did not verify for some reason.
The goal is to eliminate world poverty. If the tokens are not needed, there will be programs on there to donate them to...
Wow, I'll do some homework. Cheers.
It's funny, I'm on the community BuddyUP account, I'm actually @calumam.
This was the first thing that popped up after I was done editing our post. Something weird about that, since I'm an avid follower of yourself. You hit home with a great truth. It's not about the money, it's not about the blockchain. It's about the shifting dynamic of perspective amongst the world. We are going to open up to an incredible change of view.
All of us can grab some part of it and expand ourselves. Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Honored to give the first comment on this account to yourself, you solidfied an awful lot of my beliefs and views about this new world we are stepping in.
If it wasn't for the clueless sheep no one would ever be able to get rich. They aren't willing to educate themselves because they just blindly believe what the mainstream media tells them.
It's unfortunate for them. However, it's not necessarily a bad thing for everybody else. As long as there are people that are too stupid to see when the wind is blowing the other way there always be somebody that gets the raw end of the deal.
I can't count the number of times I've heard somebody say something like....
"Bitcoin is a scam. Bitcoin is a fad. Just because some kid straight out of college told me to buy Bitcoin doesn't mean I'm actually going to do it like a dumbass. Just wait till everybody sees how stupid they are that actually invested in Bitcoin..."
I'm glad these morons are out there. Somebody needs to be eating the manure so that the rest of us can eat our crypto New York Strips.
How do you really feel @jeezle.
Yeah and that kid just out of college now has property on Key Biscayne in Miami paid for by the Bitcoins he bought 3 years ago.
I love the articles interviewing Warren Buffet about his thoughts on investing in cryptocurrency... he has no idea how it works and even says as much but still, with his words, spreads FUD.
Yeah he admits he has no idea about it but then says it isnt going to end well.
How does one know how something is going to end if they have no idea about it?
I get this from everyone I talk to and it drives me crazy!!! They have no idea what crypto is and they don’t understand blockchain the slightest. Yet they say it’s doomed.
Read/study people. It will help you see the light.
Just repeating what they’ve heard from “experts”
Maybe Warren Buffet is pretending not to know but secretly he has huge positions in crypto. He has enough money to test crypto.
Yeah he could be just trying to manipulate the markets... it wouldnt surprise me.
I get Bloomberg and CNBC alerts on my iPad. This is what I got today.:
11 hours ago: "Breaking News: US stocks suffer massive outflows as Trump risks trade war"
9 hours ago: "Breaking News: About 50%n of the world's population is female but only 13% make up the richest 500 people" (@swissclive - they are married to them)
4 hours ago: "Breaking News: Nasdaq closes at record. Dow rallies more than 400 points after jobs report"
How can anyone expect to use this short term minute-by-minute crap as a guide to investing.
Please would someone tell me how to switch off these crazy "breaking news" stories.
On crypto, I don't give a shit what they say on TV. Bitcoin is an asset in limited supply, (just 21 million of them), and I feel like owning more than my fair share. I'll take my chance that it's not going to die like Betamax. Why should it?
Digital assets have arrived and Bitcoin is the King-Daddy that everyone understands. I am buying a few fractions every week, and don't give a shit what the price does. I just want more. a lower price would please me but is not a requirement for my continued buying.
For a token that is dead and buried (a couple hundred times) isnt it funny when the FUD increases, so does Bitcoin's total percentage of the marketcap? It does appear that the King-Daddy is the flight to safety.
What they people do not realize if there is even one person running the software, then the Bitcoin blockchain will keep growing (I think there are 200K running it).
There is going to be a lot of egg on faces around the world when this thing unfolds. The next 5 years are all about the breaking up of control and blockchain taking over. Decentralization offers too many advantages and with each hack, it only gets more appealing.
It’s weaponized media. A typical trick they use is they will print multiple opinions on the same topic. Let’s say they they print anticrypto articles because it promotes their agenda. They will also have procrypto articles but they won’t promote it. Then if their agenda fails (crypto goes up) they will refer back to their procrypto articles to continue legitimacy in the eyes of the sheeple. They have other weaponized tactics but this one is particularly evil imho.
As for the decentralized ledger. Yes that is all true, and for the sheeple that say they prefer cash. Well cash is a ledger. It is an iou so I’m reality it is half (really maybe 1/4) of a ledger which accounts for the plus side (for us but in reality it is a negative for banks because they owe us), whereas crypto blockchain accounts for the entire plus and minus of the ledger. With crypto there is no need to “audit the fed” because it’s all together whereas the fed obfuscates and hides their bs.
Thanks for you kind information about these all No doubt crypto is our feature and every one accpt it Keep sharing such a good stuff I do not like all these media chanell
In it for the long run
Gotta love the fake crypto news!! Hope all is well, sir!
Awesome is very nice post
MSM makes me throw up in my mouth.
Hallelujah for the crypto revolution.
Lazy-fuckers are hitting hard times when they realize that truth didn't come to their mail-boxes.
When the US Bond Market Ponzi Scheme ends, they will truly know whether the USD, FDIC or the Fed are worth anything. Can’t people see they keep issuing debt to pay debt? Then, they buy the debt to make the interest cheaper? How is that not called out as a Ponzi Scheme? Truly incredible...
Hi Guys!
Very Good Post, Let me Follow you and resteem Yours!!
Mainstream media propogate on issues as funders advise them. They work to sensationalize the news. The reason behind such fud is lack of knowledge about crypto currency and block chain. The fiat financial experts are afraid of public melting confidence on stocks and increasing investment of public into crypto, which they can not cotrol.
As a 30 years experienced journalist, I witnessed lots of times that people were arguing with me with my newspaper's language when I try to tell them the truth. The mainstream media has huge impact on the people, in deed. But the time is changing... unstoppable. Peace and hugs from Spain.
Not that long ago, CNBC reported that cryptocurrency was worthless and would plummet to zero. In the same exact day, the published another article stating that cryptocurrency market will hit 1 trillion this year.
The same day!
my opinion is that CNBC likes to report the extremes just to get viewership in order to get top dollar for advertising.
Bloomberg is activity steering (manipulating) the market with their reporting. It is crazy. Could it be possible that one can trade based on the results of Bloomberg articles? The Bloomberg articles, even if they are not true, create thousands of articles spun off of the Bloomberg article. Each one twisting the fake news a little more. Eventually everyone starts believing it is real.
Anyway, can't argue with the Steemit numbers. It is growing with popularity fast. With that will be the STEEM and SBD currency. No doubt!
Remember back when news was unbiased? It was actually about spreading facts, not fiction. I can't even say "Fox" and "news" in the same sentence, yet I know of a lot of people who take that drivel as gospel. And of course there will always be people who spout off without any clue of what they're talking about and if they're important enough, or god forbid, an actor, millions will listen.
It's a funny world we live in and the 'new age' you speak of can't come fast enough for me ;)
The mainstream media had been brainwashing the masses to avoid cryptocurrencies. I believed in the STEEM blockchain even though the price action had been plunging of late. I will never let go of Steemit. Upvoted!
I had lost all the trust on mainstream media a long time ago. These channels are owned by corporation. Many have outstanding loans towards bank. Sometimes the masters of many news channels are themselves partners in banks. In some cases they are associated with the ruling political parties. All of these provides them with reasons and purpose to defame crypto currencies using their platform.
If all of the reasons don't exist with the channel then they write non sense articles just for the purpose of creating sensationalism. They do this because sensationalism sells. It increases their TRP and Helps their channel earn money through selling of ads. Not just in case of crypto currencies. They create sensationalism in every possible case.
People have trust for them and they use this trust to manipulate them and sell them into things that are not good for them. some times they do it to control people's choices and brain wash them into thinking like they do so that they can continue reaping profits from them.
I have seen many and read many articles written by various journalists. After reading articles on subject matters i have knowledge on i have come to a conclusion that these articles are written with out or less information on said subject matter. The journalist writing articles hardly know any thing about the subject they are writing. They are mostly clueless. Since there is a race on to produce articles as soon as possible, this is killing the need to do proof reading. They want the article or news to publish from their side first. In this race of being first, they don't care if there is a truth in it or not.
I personally donot think this is going to change any day. The mainstream media will never change. As long as money is linked with, there won't be any change that is going to be visible. Even if some people try to create Independent media then they are shut down by taking away their revenue generating sources. Best example is Youtube adpocalypse. A lot of news channels on youtube lost monetization simply because they were news channels. The wall street journals went after the independent youtube news channels because of the directly rivalry and in an attempt to kill the competition.
OK I'm going to reveal my ignorance here, or perhaps I could say," I don't know what I don't know." Here's my concern and question: Don't we depend upon a free and open internet for blockchains to function? Ditto for cryptocurrencies. And what to do about countries such as China that not only ban crypto's but are strongly moving to control the internet? Without freedom both blockchains and cryptocurrencies are screwed. Right? Will some tech genius find a way to circumvent this challenge?
Many blessings, enjoy your thought provoking posts.
What ever they said but I still want to be here part of steemit. Even I am a kind of newbie but l love steemit love all Steemian friends and i hope its going good, bigger and even more bigger in the future.
Then I will laugh 😆
so funny .I like this post .
msm is just out there to discredit everything that is good.they support the powers that be because that is what they are paid for of which their main agenda is to further enslave the people.
Yeah, that's one of the side effects of information overload. People rarely pay attention to the content. The headline, picture and maybe a bullet point abstract would do these days to be considered informed.
And that gives plenty of room for major manipulations by omission, interpretation or downright lie.
And all of those people buy diamond rings, because it is such a "rare" or "special" gem that warrants the price.

This one's got to be my favourite!
Yes, I too laugh at fiat currency!
I only watch the news for the weather now, and 99% of the time their wrong anyway. It's amazing to me how the MSM can just make up shit and spread it all over our screens. Doesn't anybody regulate these asshats anymore? Even our local news sucks, they can't even spell when the news scrolls across the bottom of our TV. Now I just watch reruns of MASH and Dr. Pol's Vet show, to learn about taking care of my cats. Have a great weekend Task. 😎
Let them keep saying bitcoin and cryptocurries are scams. The knowledgeable ones know there are technology to back up the goods so in time we know who the real winners are ;)
BTW I finally signed up to manna via your link. Been meaning to get to it but just so lazy. Every one of your post has it at the end so I finally went on it, lol. Thanks.
When we look at that warning, we immediately identify very big channels (CNN, ...), and we need to have the sensibility to realise that the news are made to get audiences, it doesn't matter how.
One huge example was what happened with the election of D.Trump, the news made him look like a demon, and never showed some of his best and very well thinked politics.
It's nice to think that there is a chance that a lot of the inactive accounts here my come back alive because people will finally figure out how awesome of a tool Steemit is. Once they do, the value of STEEM will go up, and everyone will be even happier.
Flagged for annoying spam posting. I don't know what your game is to spam this audio all over the place. I will remove the flag if you explain why it is justified to post the same thing everywhere. For me seeing it twice counts as spam.
I removed the flag. It’s still annoying to have to click. The quality of the machine speaker is so awful that I can’t listen to more than a few seconds. I don’t like this sort of thing because it wastes my time. It’s not a proper comment.