Downloaded the update...and now my app crashes....I cant open has me very sad and my life as I know it might well be over. I do not know what to do...I am so lost.
Is this happening to others or is Google picking on me again?
Downloaded the update...and now my app crashes....I cant open has me very sad and my life as I know it might well be over. I do not know what to do...I am so lost.
Is this happening to others or is Google picking on me again?
It's happening to 2.7% of users. You are lucky like that ;) hehe.
We found the function where the problem is happening (not the coin, it's too many!) We are going to make the function default to zero on errors so when we update if you see a coin value as zero please let me know which one it is.
Damn I cant make the 1% even in this......
Outside the one percent, my cryptomillionaire app is crashed...what is the point of living?
Hi Task,
We just published an urgent update. It should be available in one or two hours. We are catching all nulls, zeroes, all over the place so even the newest coins with almost no data yet won't crash the app. I'll let you know when it is available from Google Play. Sorry for this issue! So embarrassing...
Hey Taskmaster,
It's so weird, no you are not the only one. I've seen crash reports from other users. The problem is we don't know (the error doesn't tell you) which coin or fiat currency is causing the problem. Do you have a really weird/new one listed that you suspect? This is driving us crazy because we can't reproduce the error on our phones or an emulator :(
I havent done anything other than update the app.
I cant even see it...I go to open it, it starts to load with a white screen and gives me the crap out message.
But I did not add any tokens to my account since before the update...
Does it let you (ask you) to submit the error report to Google Play? Without that we are kind of driving blind. If you can do it please submit it. It's like battling at Thermopylae blinfolded :) Do you have version 2.7? regards
Yes it does...I will send another error report.
I have version 2.6
I updated it there another one that google is not showing?
2.7 is the latest version. Google delays the updates sometimes to distribute the load on their servers so that may be why you are not getting it yet.
Okay I will keep checking the updates...nothing in Google play as of yet...
It was updated just an hour ago so unless there is a new version that is behind....but my phone has 2.6 on it...I'll keep at it until I get 2.7.
Downloaded 2.7 still the same filled the report on google.
Thanks Task, don't forget to play the lottery :) Looking into it now. Regards