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RE: qBitcoin Coming? (Q for Quantum)

in #bitcoin8 years ago

It is encouraging that coins are preparing for the quantum age especially when you consider how far they really are away from it. I estimate that it is at least 10 years before we see a major impact from quantum computing. It is just too early at this point. A lot of things to work out.


Sure, it will still be quite sometime before this sees the light.

But if i ran such a platform, i would want it to be future-proof. The first quantum computer of its kind, is almost certainly going to be used against crypto, the pot is just way too big.

Or if a government gets its hand on it, before anyone else, likely scenario, they would not use it to benefit any of us, i see them using it to kill everything but their own devilish coin. So, rather ten waiting for that moment to arise, i personally would rather have taken precautions. ;)