In my mind, it is a done deal. Cryptocurrencies, bitcoin especially, are NOT going anywhere. They will not collapse nor will they be outlawed/eliminated. Why do I say this? My reasoning is simple: the financial institutions are involved in them. It is a new toy for them to offer to their clients. In addition, the banksters are scooping these things up left and right. Do not think for a second that Dimon has no crypto in his holding nor that JPM is without them either. I can guarantee you both have a lot more than the 9000 BTC that were purchased last week.
The underlying technology simply is too strong, too innovation, and too revolutionary. There is no way people will revert back to the old model once they find the blockchain payment system. Seriously, who on here wants to post on Reddit of FB for free? Who wants to pay to listen to the radio when you can get paid for it? Why not get paid for storage? Your music? Your art? You comments under an article.
All have value as evidenced by the wealth of the likes of Zuckerberg. Now it is time for the masses to take control and share in the wealth.
Internet First Generation opened up the informational chain....Internet 2.0 is opening up the monetary chain. It is time for the masses to get paid.