Blockchain and bitcoin are changing the world rapidly. Many countries are issuing their own cryptocurrecny. No country has ever banned bitcoin to this extent, even in China where bitcoin is said to be banned, it is more free to use bitcoin.
We should not let our country backward where others are moving way to much forward. Let our government know, bitcoin is not a bad thing that they are likely thinking it is and it can boost our economy.
We have created a petition to help our government to know about this revolution. Bitcoin is not bad, everything has it's merits and demerits, but the ones with more merits wins. Please click the link below, share it on your facebook and please help us change.
Nepal needs your help !
Just found a bigger petition than our's, link is edited !
Together we can !
Our government is not totally against it but literally everyone excepts that they don't know anything about it and it maybe a possible threat. So, if we will be able to teach our government then we can make things change and can save Nepal from future economic crisis.
Even if you are not from Nepal, please help us your one click may make a huge change !
As always Nepal will be one of the last to adopt this technology.
This really hurts us !
We should really bring about a revolution. But until the monetary policy is revised, I don't see any progress happening.
We can hope, if India legalizes again then our country may again legalize it !
my good friend