When all the BTC vs BCh shit went down, the only thing that I noticed were the bad arguments the BTC Community has.
The store of value argument was just one of them. I mean if BTC replaces the store of value, it is replacing the stock market and gold, but not really the USD. I mean if BTC is used as a measurement of value instead of USD that would be a small win, but not what I have been promised.
The far worse argument was the "we are under attack by a hostile fork", we have to unite as BTC and anybody who tries to divert from the majority is an enemy. This is state propaganda 101. "Look at the evil enemy", "we have to unite and fight them" could have also been the slogans for a real life war.
Bitcoin was always said to not be majority ruled, because anybody can fork the coin into a state that he wishes. You cannot start saying things like "we really need to think if we want allow such forks to happen".
I completely agree with you on every point. It was bad argument after bad argument with nothing but religious zealotry to back it up.