Mostly Just stating an issue, that we as a market continue to make.
People Love to buy when it is green, and sell when it is red.
When we need to be doing the exact opposite.
If you would like some actually informative posts of mine check
This One on Risk Management
This one on the March Correction
Or Check my Trading view on using Double Cloud for Confirmation on movements
While this post was mostly a reaction to the entire market and massive amount of spam I am seeing of "moon" "lambo" "bulls are back" rather than giving information on how to mitigate risk, or increase your position, or how to DCA.
Which I would much rather be doing, but honestly people would rather fomo than learn TA and understand market psychology.
Buying and hoarding cryptos is a great business but not an investment in my own opinion. As you need to follow the market trends and any little bearish movement, one developes a blood pressure. But since it takes risk for one to hit it big, we really need to apply the above mentioned principles. Thanks.
I think we have a liklihood to transition to more of an investment mindset, esp since we are seeing the ability to make securities on the bitcoin blockchain, (bruce fenton did a podcast on that yesterday).
While I see a lot of fomo around nonsensical projects, I do reaffirm my position that several have amazing value and have longterm use.
It has become a great business, between my OTC work, as well as margins, and trading it has allowed me the freedom to be anywhere in the world working and take care of my family. So i will never be upset no matter where this ends up. Ive been in the industry since 2011, and I never ever thought we would make it this far.
As for some, having a long term value and use, I totally concur. Congrats for your success with the coin for these eight years. It's really fantastic *to you * and motivating *to me *. Thank you as I follow.
i was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time, building and moving the industry forward, while holding onto what we have is the hard part. I feel there will be massive shifts of who has crypto wealth by the time we are out of our infancy, and look forward to seeing you grow!
Could you please check out my blog.
Thanks for your kind comments.