As many of you know I often buy various "joke" coins. Every so often I come across a gem that I just have to say , "I own a small chunk of that!" Being a huge fan of "The Church of the Sub Genius" I just couldn't resist buying a small chunk of DobbsCoin and $BOB has actually bore fruit. I've bought and sold them on numerous occasions, taking profits and increasing my position each time.
Another diamond in the rough was PIMPcash. $PIMP actually stood for "Positive Innovation for Multi Payment Cash Solutions" or $PIMP for short. Many in the cryptocurrency community took offense to the "PIMP" brand and after the coin began growing the devs and community decided to rebrand it to something a little tamer like OKcash. Everyone agreed the name was "OK" and the rest is history!
With that being said, you could just imagine my delight when I stumbled across this gem today! The Dood has bought his first taste of SHITcoin! That's right people, it was just a matter of time till somebody actually did it. Now available for your crypto trading pleasure is the one, the only, and sometimes rather stinky SHITcoin! Except no imitations... $SHIT At only 35 sat on Nova Exchange... I decided to try and get some of this $SHIT while it was cheap. So today I bought my first taste of $SHIT. Um um um, love those Shitcoins.
With the right people behind it this coin should be a home run just off branding alone. Who wouldn't want to own a little shitcoin. Need a crappy gift for someone, give em the gift that keeps on giving! Shitcoin, the perfect gift for any occasion. Who wouldn't want a banner on their website that reads "SHITcoin Proudly Accepted Here!" This $SHIT could be huge!
So I honestly have no idea what the future holds for shitcoin. I really couldn't find a lot of information about it's dev or road map other than a twitter account @shitcoin2017 For me, the couple dollars I spent today is worth the lolz I'll get from being able to say, "I love shitcoin and I'm a shitcoin hodler!" Who knows, maybe someday this $SHIT will be worth something.
Happy trading everyone.
You mean those :

Looks like you could give two shits! Those are awesome :) LooooooL
Such shiny,much wow...the taking a dump coin haha...these are amazing indeed
Lol this is getting out of hand with all this coins haha :D
That's what makes it so great. Soon all online sales will be made in Shitcoin and the laughing will stop. It's the future of finance :) LMAO. Could you imagine. That would be great :)
@the-bitcoin-dood cool! got me with the title and the pic..)))
LOL, it's click bait that's not really click bait. Thanks for reading. Hope it made you laugh :)
Wait...That's not chocolate ice cream?
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LOL, "Maybe you've tried it by accident" shitcoin would of fit into their yogurt promotion perfectly.
No sir! I don't think that is LMAO
Balls! This explains a lot...
sounds like a great coin

ShitCoin is the $SHIT man!
I might have have to get a few, it sounds dirt cheap, I don't know if I have a Nova account though!
Just discovered them on too. This shit is spreading fast :)
looks like shits about to hit the fan, I just signed up for Nova, I'm going to be a bagholder!!
LOL, you just bought a bag of SHIT!
Is this ShaunF from Tsū?
Yes its Shaun from TSU!!
And shits even cheaper now, I picked up some for 28, and I have a buy order for 24
Last time I held a bag of shit me and my friends were lighting it on fire, setting it on someone's doorstep and ringing the door bell. May have to pick up another bag of shit now.
LMAO We did that in our neighborhood a couple times when we were kids. That was a pretty shitty thing to do but man was it funny. After the guy jumps on it to put out the fire have another guy ring the back doorbell so he runs through the house tracking shit all the way to the back door. Ohhh we laughed and laughed!
Yes man! We were little bastards, but it was like a right of passage. Now, the shits on us.
lmao! Right on! Fun times :)
I've never seen so many people eager to accumulate SHIT! A must have for every crypto portfolio!
I love me some shit coins haha
Stackin SHIT! That's awesome!
Guys i need help here, I really think I am in the $SHIT.
Please send all the $SHIT you can my way
$SHIT Wallet
Now people are begging for shit!

Shit cracks me up! (See what I did there?) I saw your post on twitter too!
It's definitely turning into some funny shit :) Thank for stopping by, always happy to see my twitter peeps on steemit. You excited about @zappl ? Should be a really fun steem powered twitter alternative.