Stopping Me Buying Crypto With my Own Money!!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

What's Going On?

I have been buying crypto currency for some time. I also buy it for friends and family and anyone really that for whatever reason find it difficult to buy and don't want to pay the huge fee's charged by the single BTC in my city in the UK.
It works out at about 25% on top. It is getting more intrusive and nosey. The limit is also £500.
I don't really make any money out of it, just enough to barely pay the fee's. I do it cos I love crypto and want to introduce as many people as i can to this amazing, freedom making technology! And it's been working!! I now am teaching about 10 people about crypto and buying for about 20..It's not about making money for me, it's about decentralisation and freedom.

thanks to

My Bank, Visa and 3D security

Recently, I'd say a couple of months ago i'd heard that banks and card providers, in the UK at least, were adding an extra layer of security and for a time, when making transactions on Coinbase and coinify i would receive a text from my bank asking me if i wished for the trabsaction to proceed, i'd text back yes and the transaction would proceed. I spoke with the bank and they took *Coinbase and Coinify off the "restricted list". Whatever that is.

I was told i would have no further problems and i was relieved!

It never got better, it got much worse. Now, when i tried to make purchases they were blocked. Then i would get a message telling me the transaction was cancelled and i had to phone them. I did that the first few times and they allowed payments to go through i i made the same amount straight away!
Then, the transactions were just being refused. I went to the bank and they said they weren't stopping them and they were happy that i spend my own money on Coinbase!!!

So i tried again. And again and again!

The card company called me and i did a transaction that they watched in real time and said it proceeded through their security so must be the platforms, coinbase and coinify stopping the transactions...I sent emails to the platforms and they said they'd "passed it on to their technical department" They notoriously don't bother answering.
I can't see the exchanges refusing sales that visa and banks have passed. Why would they.


I have found one way to use my card on a certain exchange, to send GBP to an exchange. Previously i was purchasing BTC directly and then sending it to my or a friends wallet.
Now i send it to an exchange as GBP and then order BTC on the platform and that seems to dodge whatever it is that is stopping cards buying crypto.

Does Anyone Have Advice?

Are we just being stopped from buying crypto with cards but by people who operate above the normal security layers of banks and card providers?
Are agencies stopping us buying crypto..I pay cash into my account. (nationwide building society), only ever small amounts, and send it to different people who i know aren't laundering money, into different wallets which is then spent.

I can sort of understand Lloyds group stopping people purchasing crytpo with credit. But credit is one thing, they are worried about creating more margin debt.
But this is my money!! Surely there are laws about preventing us from spending our money freely?

Be cool if any smart steemians could advise me on this issue? Even though i am skirting the issue, it worries me! Are they just stopping us buying crypto? Or do some agency think I'm laundering cash and that's why I'm being stopped....?
if so i'd like to show them I'm not and get my freedom back with my money..

Thanks for reading, anyone who could help me it would be well appreciated..

Steem On!!