This is just a random thought/ response i had about bitcoin in response to a question someone asked me regarding the future of it, this is an unfinished and unrefined thought that i may develop more in the future:
Assuming the future i see is “the one”
BTC will become global pristine collateral/ global reserve asset...
Essentially, envision a world back on the gold standard (pre-1971) but instead of gold…. Btc
in terms of generating a return, for simple folk, youll just deposit it with a 3rd party such a defi or cefi…. And earn yield on it (they will then loan it out to businesses and what not).
The world of fiat is known, the world of gold is known.
Both reached their limitations
BTC on the other hand is the next leap forward…. So who knows what future holds for it.
either way..... I think it is best to view fiat as liquidity rather than savings...
which of course is a generational shift in perspective that requires a little neuroplasticity.
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