Google Will Ban the Advertising of Cryptocurrency in June of This Year

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Here is sad news for fans of viewing advertising materials about various ICO projects, cryptocurrency exchanges, cryptocurrency wallets, etc.

Since the June of 2018, Google will completely prohibit any speculative advertising associated with the cryptocurrency world. Everyone decides for himself whether it’s fortunate or not, but the fact remains.

We have already reported information about the pressure on Google by the Canadian Securities and Exchange Commission. At that time it was not clear whether advertising would be banned or not. However, now the information is quite accurate.

As the official Google blog says:

“Improving the ads experience across the web, whether that’s removing harmful ads or intrusive ads, will continue to be a top priority for us”, Scott Spencer, director of sustainable ads, said.

Of course, no one is going to ban advertising of all the projects related to cryptocurrency. But nevertheless, because of the persuasion of the Canadian SEC in particular, Google will ban unregulated or speculative financial products, such as binary options and cryptocurrency rates.

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I sense the FUD from this news. This could be one of the reason why the market is bleeding. Hopefully this will pass.

Faceebook now Google, who is next? Twitter maybe? I hope this end soon ;(