Interesting. I used to have a stack of antminers back in the day but the combination of falling BTC prices, increasing hashrate, and the unbearable heat and noise made me get rid of them. The noise is probably the worst part - they were never quiet.
50db is still pretty loud though. My gaming PC only makes about 35db at full pelt. I suspect they will need to get it down to about that level to attract back most home miners.
Lol I have 4 still up in the loft unplugged of course plus about 10 of those small round miners electricity is just to much to run these unless the Kid with the magnetic power maker can help out or cover the house in solar panels.
50dB is manageable. I think my 6 S3+ were around 55dB each and I placed them in my office at work. 35dB would be nicer though, along with a more reasonable price. We'll see what the Avalon 7 has to offer when it comes out
I think I've been spoiled by how quiet the average gaming PC has become now. 10 years ago it would have been more tolerable.