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RE: Bitcoin Cash Deposits Open On Bittrex (Strategy And Thoughts)

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I considered this strategy myself, but remain concerned that by the time the BCC gets from HitBTC to Bittrex, the price will have fallen. Reports are it is taking quite a while to get enough confirmations. Please let us know if you actually get that BCC to Bittrex in time to sell.

Another, more simple, strategy is to watch for a block to be solved on the BCC chain. When a block is solved, all of the coin in those transactions become available for selling on various exchanges. A drop follows, bottoms, then a gradual rise until the next block... all in a downward pattern, but the channel is there. You can watch for new blocks here:


That is very interesting. That block explorer thing is saying the difficulty is 26% of what it was before. I was thinking that the difficulty wouldn't retarget for 2016 blocks which would be a ways away.

Yeah the arbitrage from HitBTC to Bittrex isn't going to work right now. Takes to long.