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RE: Peter Schiff On Gold Manipulation And The Future Of Cryptocurrencies

in #bitcoin8 years ago

He is stuck in his ways and he is gonna wake up to a new world he does not understand one day if he does not get with the times.


He'll still be rich as fuck with all the gold he's sitting on when the dollar collapses but I bet he'll wish he put some of that in crypto when everything is said and done.

Oh, I am sure he has actually put money into crypto already but just keeps it quiet like a politician on a conflict of interest.

Yeah that's possible. People have been asking him about bitcoin back when he was doing his radio show so he's known about them for several years now.

I heard about that months ago, when I was a Crypto noob lol, you are right!

Peter doesn't understand the difference between inflation via demand and inflation via debt. He doesn't know the difference between a decentralized cryptobubble and a centrally planned derivatives bubble.
Listening to him talk truly drives me crazy.