'This week Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) chief scientist Peter Rizun revealed the first 1GB block was mined on a Gigablock testnet on October 13. The event marks a milestone for the big block project backed by the University of British Colombia, Nchain, and the Bitcoin Unlimited (BU) development team.'
But after all it's just different views, ideologies and preferences, I don't intend to get emotional about this.
I understand why most people don't want things to change at the core of our society.
Ps: All I did was ask a question and give my view on what cash means.
Yes, 1GB blocks, it can be done, just like 4GB blocks could be done in a test enviroment:
That I believe, no problem, even setting up systems that can mine them in a controlled test enviroment.
But, like mister Stone stated: not tomorrow. And that is a realistic approach, from my point of view.
One day we will have quantum computers and ultra high speed Exa bytes memory in 3d crytals. On fiberglass lightspeed networks. Do not know if I live to tell thr tale, but it will be done.
Yet, in a realm that is now I am still convinced that Bitcoin SegWit and horizontal scaling is the way to go. And I do think BTC is ideal for holding high value.
And I think that we can agree to disagree. Life calls, need to dash.
Thank you for the conversation.
Let's agree to disagree then.
I am still trying to see through the important event we are about to witness, the players, the motives, the tactics.
So far this path is leading me to doubt segwit in general more and more. Just read this fascinating post about it, right here on steemit:
Thank you.