To The Moon

in #bitcoin6 years ago


A quick post to remind you what's important in Crypto.

First: Do not confuse Price increases in a Bull market with "a healthy market"
& Do not confuse Price decreases in a bear market with "an unhealthy market".

An object in motion will stay in motion If BTC is Overvalued, but continues to show strength and climbs, then it is not a Bad (shorter-term) investment. Momentum will carry the value up, when the direction is heading up. Likewise, if the coin is undervalued, but continues to show bearish tendencies and shrinks, it is not a Good short term investment--momentum will continue to pull the coin down.

Second: Nothing is broken. The BTC blockchain did not break. It did not falter. It has not sustained damage. In no way is bitcoin "dead", "exposed", or "inadequate" because of the crash/correction. BTC is volatile; BTC fluctuates. It has done what it has always done. It goes up, it comes down, it goes up again. Fundamentally, if you believed in BTC at any point before, you have every reason to still believe in it now.

Third: Do not confuse Price Increase/ Decrease with Health. Blockchain is relatively new and its markets are highly speculative. It is short-minded and inaccurate to assume that: an expensive bitcoin= a healthy chain. And a cheaper bitcoin does not indicate a flaw. Health in the blockchain does not always show up in the markets. And especially important: increase in the price and demand of a coin is not always healthy.

Finally: Pay No attention to FUD, price predictions, or 'get-rich-quick' schemes. FUD will tell you blockchain is dead. A year ago, multiple "Experts" wrote and claimed that BTC would reach 100,000-200,000$ by December 2018. And the simple truth is, the Crash strikes quicker than the Boom--so get-rich-quick pits the odds against you.

Knowledge is power, there is no substitute for hard work, and it will be your greatest reward. Read white papers, Read books on the subjects that interest you, and think long term. Don't put off to tomorrow what you can accomplish today. (and then read some more)