I have been smothering a parrot for nigh on 4 days , lay in my filth and decrepitude, yearning for the bliss of Laudanum.
Wandering this strange new world for nigh on 10 years has made me a prisoner of my fortitude, a blind man unsure of direction that is blown by the winds of time. A vagrant I am, that awoke from a dream 158 years in the future.
I was a slave to the milk of paradise and revelled in its luxurious embrace, Cocooned in blanket of heavenly beatitude.
To those men of reason and science I will relay the facts of my predicament. The year was 1859 and a cruel tempest blew from the North covering the great streets of Edinburgh in a boreal grip. My ailments were a particular burden on my enfeebled anatomy "damn your eyes trigeminal neuralgia thou hast brought me to my knees". My Opium eating had become particularly extreme and my days melded into constant dream like state, an hallucination of life. I had been endeavouring to revise "Suspiria de profundis" but the loving grip of paradise made the labours of the mind an infinite distraction. That is when it happened. my journey had begun
I am as always your humble servant Thomas Dequincey
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