Steem= highly UNDERVALUED, OUTSTANDING investment that fills a demand that will grow exponentially in an environment with comparatively little competition.
1.As fiat currencies fall, more money will move into crypto currencies by the BILLIONS.
Social media/free speech will ALWAYS be around and have demand.
- As time moves forward and government continues to crack down on free speech (for your protection), the DEMAND FOR UNCENSORABLE SOCIAL MEDIA WILL SKY ROCKET.
- This platform already has a head start on infrastructure, investors, and a solid base of intelligent users/developers who recognize that there is a need for STEEMIT, and that populations will inevitably move towards it.
- STEEMIT is a FREE MARKET that places and rewards the most valuable content at the top, which will also be in the HIGHEST DEMAND in the very near future.
CONCLUSION: Its only a matter of time before STEEMIT takes off. Get on the boat now.The RISK/REWARD RATIO could not be better. Bottom line, in my opinion YES STEEMIT IS AN UNDERVALUED, GREAT INVESTMENT WITH HUGE UPSIDE POTENTIAL.