ICO 4NEW: a decentralized ecosystem for waste treatment
We decided to present this project because it offers a viable solution to two major issues of our time: energy and waste management. Indeed, 4NEW is the first ecological solution in the world to propose a recycling of waste, based on a Blockchain. It plans to revolutionize the waste industry, allowing consumers and industry players to use their FRNC tokens for payments within the 4NEW ecosystem. The company is offering consumers the opportunity to regain control over the processing of their waste and benefit from it.
4new's project: generating electricity from waste
Waste-to-Energy: To understand correctly, waste-to-energy is a process of producing energy in the form of heat and / or electricity from the treatment of waste. It is a form of energy recovery that must be used more by its ecological and economic side.
Is that a new ICO? When will be its launching?
The company has already identified three sites for launch in the UK, and the 4NEW platform will be fully operational by December 31, 2018.