Crypto life.

in #bitcoin8 years ago


What is a Blockchain?

The blockchain is seen as the main technological innovation of Bitcoin, since it stands as proof of all the transactions on the network. A block is the 'current' part of a blockchain which records some or all of the recent transactions, and once completed goes into the blockchain as permanent database

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a worldwide cryptocurrency and digital payment system :called the first decentralized digital currency, since the system works without a central ...
Microbitcoin, bit‎: ‎μBTC‎
Coins‎: ‎Unspent outputs of transactions denominated in any multiple of satoshis‎
Date of introduction‎: ‎3 January 2009; 8 years ago‎
Code‎: ‎XBT


Wouldn't that be nice

Hopefully us speculators don't ruin things for those who wish to use bitcoin to solve real life problems, such as feeding their families.

Cant wait Cant wait :-) But it states that it is for the long run, so hold your wallet and benefit!

Thanks for sharing,

At the moment, I end up using all my bitcoins to purchase altcoins ;)
Gotta resist the temptation!