Relaxed Bull Market

in #bitcoin4 months ago

I don't remember having seen a more relaxed Bull Market than this one... really, even if the indicator shows me "Extreme Greed".

And although I am really impressed by how well everything is going, it seems incredible that the neighbor on the fifth floor or the taxi driver on duty is still not talking about what has happened with BITCOIN these last few days... it seems as if everything has "normalized" to an almost "routine" level.

Believe me when I tell you that I am very alert to this type of signal, when someone suddenly confesses to being an expert in cryptocurrencies, it may be the top of the tops, but... this is not happening either in the media or on the street... at least where I live.
I want to believe that this is very good therefore, the top is yet to come but, nevertheless, I am collecting the line from my fishing rod...
I do not want to be the wisest of crypto enthusiasts and the poorest of all.
It is better to take some profit for your own good, psychologically it is much healthier...



We have more room to run. I can tell you this. There was so much weight over everyone's head here in the United States with the election and it is like the skies opened up with Trump, Vance, Elon, RFK Jr. 18 states sued the SEC and Gary Ginsler. We have won the war on crypto.

People have been coming out of the woodwork reaching out to me. One friend who is a fire fighter said everyone was talking about it at the fire station.

Things are going to get nutty!

We are going to have a very interesting Christmas 😊

Absolutely! Here in the United States we have Thanksgiving coming up and crypto will be talked about a lot and then when Christmas hits it will be talked about too!

Hey you are absolutely right, people have started to live quietly with the crypto world, despite insisting on ignoring it haha.

Always with boundaries and caution ahead of everything, to avoid too strong stumbles. It is curious however, how everything is working, worthy of study.

By the way, have you had the opportunity to read the post in which I have tagged you? forgive me for taking the license to do so without consulting you first, I hope I have not bothered you, and if so, I do apologize.

Hola, si que he leido tu post y, tranquila, no me molesta para nada. Si puedo me acerco por el lugar en Sants si me lo permiten mis hijos 😂

¡Jajaja genial! gracias por responder, estaré atenta a los mensajes ese día, por si logras sacar tiempo 🤗 ¡buena noche!

You are basically right. The hype is not on yet though I hear more and more people remembering Bitcoin and „having a look again“. Think the real big issue will happen once we saw the 100k

Agreed there is something mythic about those 6 digits, it will prompt new heights.

It looks like it's time for a retest of the support. The FOMO is pretty large and the hope for a crypto friendly administration is quite high. The problem I see is that I don't think they will be completely friendly but more neutral and it will be a while before they get the new people in.

I was really surprised that one of my friends told me she accumulates bitcoin monthly with the purpose of retirement money. Now she is happy... That was the occasion to tell me about.
She is not an investor, she hasn't done anything with stocks, but with BTC since couple of month