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RE: Bittrex - Update - Probably my Fault.

in #bitcoin8 years ago

I upvoted you thread , it really sucks man . Keep your head up , better times are going to come and you are just going to laught looking back at this ...

So here is my situation : I offer someone free signals of trading and in exchange he gives me an automated trading bot . I know I will have to type my API keys in order for it to work , so my question is : How can I avoid him hacking me through API keys ? Besides scanning for a keylogger or smh like that , any more thoughts ? How can I disable withdraw by strangers but Only me on those specific API keys ?


If you enable the 'withdraw' function on the API keys that's can't specifiy who has access to the actual withdraw function on any specific key. If there was a way to multisig a whitelisted ip with the withdraw function that would be a way i guess, but there isnt as far as i know.