Some Perspective on The Current Cryptocurrency Market Situation - February 2nd

in #bitcoin7 years ago

This bear market has been brutal, but we're nearly there! Just hold tight and we will all be laughing at the silly shit people were saying around these times :D

I have got a few questions on Twitter lately, and I thought I'd share a few of my thoughts I've reiterated time and time again.

SIDE NOTE - I knew BTC would hit around $8k. This isn't me patting myself on the back while people lost lots of money, I'm reassuring you that when you put in the time in this market, you will be rewarded. I spend 10 hours a day on TA, and I'm now starting to see the fruits of my labour.
I am up in BTC value, which although when you compare it to USD I'm down, I have more BTC! That's why I trade! To get more BTC! :P

Anyway, I wanted to show you a message I sent to the TrainCrypto Trading Community channel on Telegram (if you wanna join, we'd love to have you! Join here - to give you some perspective.
If you were around for the last bull run, you'll understand where I'm coming from. If this is your first crypto bear market, then have a close look at my post below -

BTC twitter.jpg

I'm always optomistic on crypto. We are at the precipice of something HUGE. And we haven't even got started. We are the early adopters, even this far in. Always remember that when you're complaining about the next bear market ;)

I can see the headlines already!

"BITCOIN CRASHES TO $100,000! IS THIS THE END?" hahahahaha