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RE: Forget Internet Service Providers, Bitcoin Is Now Broadcasting From Its Own Satellite

in #bitcoin8 years ago

interesting...... Bitcoin leading the way again.

The potential for this is, as you say, HUGE!

this paves the way for multiple private networks disconnected from the internet - like a world wide LAN.

The potential for mis-use is astonishing (and it will be mis-used).

But the potential for the free exchange of information unfettered by an increasingly paranoid ruling class, is also astonishing.

If the Bitcoin satellite network 'flies' and is profitable enough and stable enough, then expect other companies like Google, Amazon etc to dive into this 'space' in the next few years.

My investment tip of the day: invest in a company that makes parts for, or builds satellites.


My investment tip of the day: invest in a company that makes parts for, or builds satellites.

Very good advice. :)

As for the big players to get into this, I don't see this very soon. It's strange how "nobody" is ruling Bitcoin, don't you think?... There is a stark difference between the current Behemoths of business, Google, Facebook, Amazon, all with a very string leadership, and the decentralized, almost anonymous nature of crypto. There's something that doesn't fit here...
