Genesis is simple and convenient investment in real estate based on Blockchain technology system

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

What is Genesis ?

Genesis is an international real estate fund and multifunctional operating platform created on the basis of blockchain and digital technologies.

All invested funds are used for buying of real estate that become the property of the platform and form its assets, creating the basis for the future development and increase of the market value of project.

The innovative solutions realized in GENESIS provide the harmonic combination of classic methods of investments in real estate with the possibilities of the most progressive and modern achievements of digital economy.

The simplicity and convenience of investing, the exclusion of intermediaries, the elimination of borders and freedom of choice, stable guaranteed profit, the highest level of reliability and security of investments are the main features of Genesis.

Genesis Platform

Genesis platform is the united corporate structure that combines all the main features and legal aspects of classic company and technological decentralized projects created on the basis of blockchain technologies.

A clear and informative user interface with a system of private accounts will provide investors with all necessary information about the investment objects, interests and payments, transactions, the current market rate of assets and other information.

Genesis will allow to invest in traditional investment tools, such as real estate, in a simple and convenient way. At the same time, it will give to investors the access to use the developing distributed economy of digital opportunities such as blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Tokenization of Real Estate Properties

The concept of Genesis provides the internal project tokenization (an accounting division to tokens) of all real estate, owned by company. One GES token will actually represent the part of value of all real estate, owned by Genesis platform presented in cryptocurrency.

The investors of Genesis owning of GES tokens, indirectly become the owners of corresponding part of all real estate, owned by platform. With the development of legislation, the tokenization of real estate will allow to identify the real estate assets through digital signatures and to legally register all members of Genesis as the owners of real estate. Genesis platform guarantees and provides such registration.

Guarantee of Token by Real Assets

Genesis one of the first projects in the world where its own project cryptocurrency, GES token, is guaranteed with real assets. And not just any assets, but the assets with the highest degree of safety: real estate.

Each GES token is equivalent to one euro of the value of real estate that belongs to Genesis. The value of real estate will be confirmed through an independent market assessment made by a first-rate European valuer company.

The planed and phased system of releasing of GES tokens on market guaranteed by real estate owned by platform, eliminates the free circulation of unsecured tokens.

The volatility of digital currency and possible collapses of digital currency can not influence to the rate of GES tokens, as its value is based on the value of real assets and stable positive economic indexes of Genesis.

Obligatory Repurchase of Tokens

One of the key parameters of Genesis is the rule of obligatory repurchase of tokens, owned by investor. The investor can leave the project and get back the invested money from the project. The investor will be able to realize the right to leave the project any time after the start of operations according to established procedure.

After the ITO of Genesis and listing tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges, the process of leaving the project by investor will be simplified through free sales of GES tokens on exchange. It will not only protect the investments but will also potentially support exchange rates of tokens in future. All detailed information is available in “The provision of procedure and the terms of repurchase of tokens of Genesis”.

Listing of Genesis Tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges

The investment strategy of project provides the obligatory listing of GES tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges. The listing of tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges will be done upon reaching the planned levels of operational activity. The approximate date of listing of GES tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges is set on second half of 2019.

The estimated financial models used for the forecasting of possible variation of exchange rate of GES tokens took into account the reaching of planned levels of operational activity of project, show that exchange rate of GES tokens within 6 to 9months after the listing can reach 3.0 – 7.5 euro for 1 GES with a nominal price 1 euro for 1 GES.

The listing of GES tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges is possible before the second half of 2019 if the project will achieve the planned values of target indicators early.

Regular Income Payment

The payment of income to investors from the commercial usage of real estate owned by Genesis will be done on the regular basis every three months. The first payment of profit to investors will be done in October, 2018.

The profit got from the commercial usage of real estate arrives to the electronic account of Genesis. It is independently and automatically distributed to accounts of investors inside the system, according to the specified conditions and quantity of tokens. The investor has no restrictions and/or conditions of using the received profit. Income payments and the distribution of funds to investors’ personal accounts will be controlled through a smart contract in an automated mode.

Real Estate Pools

The operation of Genesis is done according to the rule of buying real estate based on pools. All real estate will be purchased by the Genesis platform within preformed pools consisting of several properties.

The initial investment pool will include retail and business real estate. All real estate included in the investment pool will be diversified by the purpose of properties (commercial, business and retail real estate) and by property location (by country). The first pool will consist of real estate located in different European countries.

We expect that this approach will allow us to diversify investors' commercial and economic risks and offer tp investors the maximum stable and risk-free profits.

Simple and Transparent Investment Procedure

Easy to use, clear and informative user interface of GENESIS with personal accounts system will provide investors with all necessary information about the investments, the account charges and payments, transactions, the actual rate of assets and other information.

The using of blockchain technology and smart contracts, as well as the using of its own tokens, makes the investment procedure simple and useful, and it allows to almost completely computerize all the process of register in project and verification of investors, charging and distributing of income, leaving the project, selling and exchanging of tokens for the tokens of other projects and/or digital currency.

The Multifunctional Blockchain Platform

Utility Token NES

Simultaneously with the tokens GES we produce the utility-tokens NES in equal amounts. Buying the tokens GES, every investor receives the same amount of utility tokens as a bonus. The total number of issued NES tokens will be the same as the number of distributed GES tokens.

NES tokens can be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges immediately after the Token sale. Now are negotiating with the exchanges,,,,

NES token will serve as a currency within Genesis ecosystem and will also serve as a tool for getting the discounts, the special offers and additional services from project partners.

In the ecosystem of GENESIS NES will be used for:

  • The discounts on all the services of platform.
  • The special conditions for crediting the cryptocurrency.
  • The payment for advertising placement (NES tokens will allow buying the advertising placements within the ecosystem and on the partner’s services).
  • The privileges and ability to pay for services in new services.

After the usage, NES tokens will be burned.

Trust Gen

In the life of every person there are the times when he urgently needs the money. In such situation in mind usually appear 3 solutions of problem:
  1. To take a credit from bank (guaranteed by real estate, car or other property) and pay interest to bank every month.
  2. To sell something unnecessary. But as you know, to sell something unnecessary, you need first to buy something unnecessary.
  3. To borrow from friends or familiars.

Genesis offers a completely new mechanism of crediting through the service of Trust Gen. A project’s participant can any time borrow money from Genesis platform in cryptocurrency, leaving as security the GES tokens.

What does it get to participant :

  • he do not need to leave the project;
  • he do not need to pay interest;
  • he can return the money by any tranches any time he want;
  • he do not need to collect certificates and documents.

What does it give to project :

The tokens in pledge are stored on Genesis platform, and the profit accrued on these tokens is distributed among all project’s participants.

Using the utility-token NES you can get a special conditions for credit.

Develop Gen

At the end of 2018, the team is scheduled to launch the special high-yield projects in construction and renovation of high-ROI real estate. It means at least the profit of 20–25% per annum for owner of real estate or 50–75% of net profit when this real estate will be sold.

The high-yield projects may be realized in the following ways :

  • By the commercial usage of real estate and including it in the project assets in order to increase average annual income for investors;
  • By sale of real estate and one-time distribution of the profits among the investors.

Choosing the projects for investment, our company is primarily guided by the principles of reliability, reasonableness and expediency. The choice will be made only after a thorough analysis of all projects. We will bet on the project only when we have no doubts about its successful realization.

Project description will be presented to active investors by detailed presentation before the launch of each project.


Our team are constantly having the negotiations with the companies providing various goods and services. The main task is to expand the geography and the ability to use the utility NES token. At the moment, the partnership agreements have been reached with the network hotels in Europe, Russia and Turkey, Italian and Danish jewelry brands, the online store of branded clothing and footwear, the insurance company, the real estate Agency in Spain, several restaurants in Europe and Russia, blockchain platforms and news resources. Almost immediately after the distribution of tokens, all investors will be able to get discounts and special conditions from our partners. A detailed list of contacts will be available on the project website after the end of Token sale.

Rent Gen

Service Rent Gen will include the various directions and possibilities :

  • the booking of hotels and hostels;
  • the renting of houses and apartments;
  • the renting of commercial real estate.

Going to the vacation or business trip, moving to another city to study or work, opening a new office or shop, almost everyone is faced with the problem of selecting a suitable rental option. Everybody accustomed to work with such services as, Airbnb, TripAdvisor, but all these services have one huge disadvantage. This is a large commission paid by the landlord for your booking.

We are creating a decentralized service that will reduce the commissions, ensure the transparency of operations and remove the unnecessary intermediaries. Smart contracts will automatize the processes. Each owner of property will be able to place their object on platform Rent Gen, and we will do everything necessary for the maximum convenience of work of renter and landlord.

The main advantage for the participants of GENESIS will be the opportunity to get a discount or additional services from the landlords using the utility token NES booking through the Rent Gen platform.

51 Idea

We are realizing the project of "51 the idea" on the basis of multifunctional platform. Each member of the community will be able to participate in the improving of our platform and become a member of team. Our main task is to expand the services provided by Genesis platform and increase the ability to implement new ideas on the existing technical solution.

At the moment, Genesis has already established a specialized committee of development and innovation.

The head of the committee is Vitaly Shashkov

The members of committee are Aleksandr Bystrov, Waldemar Reimer, Roman Belikov, Vladislav Avdonin, Margarita Gordienko.

Coordinator is Ruslan Gilazov.

The committee has the task of integrating the additional services that will expand the functionality and profitability of Genesis.

How the project of "51 ideas" works»

The coordinator of committee accepts the applications with proposals for the introduction of additional services on GENESIS platform. Together with the author of idea the coordinator prepares the presentation material for the members of commission. The commission meets once every 3 months. Based on the results of study of presented project, the decision about further actions is made. If the project passes the examination, the author of idea gets an opportunity to become the part of Genesis team and introduce the project into platform. The record of transfer of applications is stored on blockchain.

The basic requirements for ideas are :

  • the idea must to provide the Genesis platform with income that will be distributed to the holders of GES token;
  • the realization of idea must cover the international market;
  • the product getting from the realization of idea should have a positive impact to GES token in terms of its demand.

At the moment, several proposals from the team members have been considered and accepted for realization. The projects agreed by committee are:

  • Utility NES token
  • Rent Gen
  • Trust Gen
  • Develop Gen

Each of these services is aimed to attract the additional income for the participants of Genesis, as well as to increase the number of users and brand recognizability.

Investment Strategy

The medium-term investment strategy of Genesis guarantees a phased and economically reasonable development of the project for the three-year period of 2018–2020.

The strategy provides the main directions of the company's development, the forms and methods of reaching the declared medium-term goals. The plan of development of the project for the period after 2020 is included in long-term development strategy.

The medium-term development strategy of Genesis is based on establishing the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) as the main financial, economic and market (marketing) indicators of the company's activity.

ROE indexes forecast

The key performance indicators of project

Market Share

This is an aggregate indicator that characterizes the value of project assets and the number of project participants who own GES tokens in comparison with the other projects with comparable parameters. The number of project participants is a more important indicator for determination and predicting the liquidity of GES tokens when they are traded on cryptocurrency exchanges.

This indicator also characterizes the company's development and its competitive advantages in the market. At the same time, it reflects to the credibility of project and demonstrates its prospects for development.

Financial stability of the project

The indicator of financial stability reflects the ratio of the project's own capital to borrowed capital. The lower the value of indicator, the more financially stable is the project.

For example, the financial stability indicator with a value of 0.5 is considered to be a very good in the rating of world's top banks.

This indicator shows the degree of financial stability and attractively of the project for investments. The safety of the project for investors in terms of guarantees the company's liabilities by real assets and finances.

ROE - Return on Equity

ROE is a coefficient which indicates for an investor the profitability of his/her investment activities, profit from the assets invested in the project. This indicator shows profit or loss from the investments in the project. This indicator demonstrates financial opportunities and planned income from participation in Genesis.

This is a complex indicator which combines an investor's direct income from commercial usage of real estate (lease payments), income received from external special projects, and additional indirect income from the growth of the market value of real estate.

ROE indicator does not include the changes in the market price of GES token from the growth of current prices or increase the market value of the investor’s investment portfolio. An increase the market value of investment portfolio is an additional income of investor.

Fund Raising of Project

The concept and medium-term strategy of Genesis provides a phase increase in the assets owned by the company.

An increase of project’s assets will be done by a phased and planned public token offerings from 2018 to 2020. During this period it is planned to place on the market about 250 million GES tokens. 50-60 million tokens in 2018, 50-60 million tokens in 2019, 120 – 130 million tokens in 2020.

Starting from the second pool of GES tokens in 2018, multiplying coefficients will be applied to the nominal token price during a sale.

After GES token will be included in the listings of cryptocurrency exchanges, all new GES token pools will be traded at the current market exchange price.

Based on the exchange price, the offering of 250 million tokens will allow us to buy by GENESIS by 2021 and to form a total real estate fund with a minimum asset value of approximately €500–750 million.

Forecast of value of Genesis assets

The scheme of work with the reserved GES Token

Project Development Plan

Core Team


  • January 25, 2018 Start of pre-registration!
  • April 1 - May 15, 2018 Initial ITO of project
  • May 2018 Transferring tokens to the partners' personal accounts
  • May – June 2018 Evaluation, purchase and registration of real estate.
  • June 2018 Launch of online platform. Start of operating activities and launch of office
  • July 2018 Development of mobile application for investor's user accounts.
  • October 2018 First payment to investors. Launch of platform's internal exchange (GDEX)
  • IV quarter of 2018 Token pool offering. Bringing the value of company's assets up to €50–60 million. Launch of first special project.
  • 2019 year Listing of GES token on exchanges. Token pool offering. Bringing the value of company's assets up to €100–120 million.
  • 2020 year Token pool offering. Bringing the value of company's assets up to €250–300 million in the nominal GES token value.

For more details about our project, please visit our as follows :

Author by Dico88
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