This is the reason why I can't jump on the conspiracy boat and believe bitcoin was planned by the owners to normalize a digital one world currency. Bitcoin is a decentralized currency designed to facilitate individual human freedom and nullify the violence of authority. You can't point a gun at an encrypted private key and unlock it.
If bitcoin was planned by the powers that shouldn't be, then wouldn't it be much more centralized by design? Why would the bankers go through so much trouble to try and centralize bitcoin on the sly with SegWit and blockstream if it was originally released by them?
I think we are in a very limited time where the unconscious deceived people have a real chance to quickly destroy this system of slavery and replace it with technology which mirrors the truth, individual freedom. That is, you know, if they can align their perception with the truth.
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We are told that Bitcoin is decentralized and limited but how can we know for sure? For all we know we are being lied to. We don't even know what type of advanced technology that the Banksters have that could easily destroy Bitcoin.Since there is no such thing as 100% anonymity on the web and any person could be tracked given enough time and money to track that person, cryptocurrencies might be a way for the NSA or other intelligence agencies to track people who have precious metals since usually those who invest in Bitcoin are also stackers of precious metals.But that is all speculation on my part.What we can realistically do is to stay vigilant against the Banksters who are trying to subvert and replace Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with their Bankster approved cryptocurrencies.